Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2510 Let’s make a doll

novel network

Xiao Ning looked at Mu Tianyu with complicated eyes.

She was really embarrassed and didn't know how to answer his proposal.

Seeing her hesitation, Mu Tianyu thought she was afraid that Bai Yeyuan would not agree. His eyes were a little firmer and he persuaded her: "Ning Ning, if you are willing, I can take you to the Nordic independent island to register for marriage. I heard that there only requires both parties to consent. To get married, you don’t need parental consent or personal identity documents. Therefore, even if your identity documents are held by Bai Yeyuan, we are not afraid. If you are worried about being caught by him if you stay in the country, then I Just take you away, we have been traveling abroad to get married, and go to the places you want to go..."

Xiao Ning was shocked!

Does brother Tianyu mean to elope with her?

This... this idea is so crazy.

This is crazier than proposing to her.

"Brother Tianyu, have you ever thought about it, if we go abroad, then... what will happen to your company? What will happen to the Mu family? We... just keep traveling and not working?" Xiao Ning asked nagging.

Mu Tianyu gently stroked her long hair: "Brother, I still have some savings. After so many years as a lawyer, I don't say I am rich and powerful, but I can still afford to support a little woman. What, you don't believe me?"

Xiao Ning said blankly: "I believe..."

Mu Tianyu was in a good mood, with a grin on his lips and a very gentle tone: "I know that I am not the kind of woman who spends a lot of money. We don't have very high material requirements. As long as the two of us are together, we will definitely be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties. Ning Ning, I can support you so that you don’t have to worry about food and clothing, and you don’t have to work.”

Xiao Ning was moved as she listened.

I don’t know why, but I always feel that something is not quite right.

Brother Tianyu is very nice to her, but does she really want to run away with him and let him support her for the rest of her life?

Then wouldn't she become a canary again?

She left Bai Yeyuan and followed Brother Tianyu around the world. She should be happy obviously, but why is there always a trace of unspeakable uneasiness in her heart?

Xiao Ning bit her lip: "Brother Tianyu, I don't want to be raised by a man..."

Mu Tianyu hugged her lovingly: "I'm sorry, I'm too impatient. I didn't mean it Ning Ning. If you want to go out and do anything, I will support you. What I mean is... I am willing to give you a support and let you You can move forward and retreat freely!"

Xiao Ning was stunned again.

I felt ashamed.

Was she too worried just now?

Brother Tianyu meant to give her freedom, not to put her in a cage.

He was so kind, how could she repay him?

How could she deserve him?

The wings of my nose were sore, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Why, why didn't Brother Tianyu marry her when she was 18?

He picked her up at the age of 18 before she was broken by Bai Yeyuan, woo woo...

Seeing Xiao Ning crying, Mu Tianyu felt deeply distressed. He hurriedly wiped her tears and hugged her tighter: "Little fool, don't cry. Brother is just saying what he thinks. If you leave home I feel scared and don’t want to wander outside for so long, so we will come back after traveling. However, I’m afraid we have to make a baby early, so that no one will dare to object to us being together, don’t you think? ?”

This idea of ​​making raw rice into cooked rice just came to Mu Tianyu's mind.

He never understood why Bai Yeyuan was so opposed to him being with Xiao Ning.

What's the reason?

Can't figure it out.

But no matter why, as long as he and Xiao Ning are truly together, and even have the fruit of love, Bai Yeyuan, as an elder, will probably not be so persistent in his opposition, right?

Ning Ning's child is also Bai Yeyuan's junior. How could he bear to break them up and leave the child without a complete family?

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