Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2520 Gu Qiqi, get out of here!

novel network

Xiao Ning's face gradually returned to calm.

She looked at Xiahou Susu and the mysterious man and said something else, but her mind was no longer here and she couldn't listen to anything.

"Dr. Xiahou, you guys chat, I'm leaving first." She walked to the ward alone.

When passing by the emergency room.

Suddenly, a group of nurses pushed a mobile stretcher trolley, rushing towards the emergency room, shouting: "Make way, make way, the lady in front of me, make way! The patient is critical and there is surgery!"

Xiao Ning quickly hid aside.

The stretcher cart flashed before her eyes.

The patient's pale and bleeding face suddenly came into her eyes!

It's him! ! !


After Xiao Ning left.

Xiahou Susu spent a lot of time before coaxing the Palace Master of Medicine Palace away.

It's so troublesome. This man keeps clamoring to break her virginity all day long, saying that this is his way of repaying her kindness.

Damn it, what kind of bad luck did she, Xiahou Susu, have in her life that she actually saved a white-eyed wolf?

How can anyone repay a favor in this way?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have saved him.

Who knew that he looked so harmless when he went crazy while practicing and fell into convulsions in the snow, but now that he has recovered and returned to the position of the Lord of the First Palace, he is so unreasonable and annoying.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly this time and delayed it for a while by counting the days.

She must make good use of this hard-won time, step up her plans to transfer all the Xiahou family's assets, arrange for her sister, and then she herself will come up with a plan to escape - run away!

Hum hum, can a small hospital like this now be a place where I, Xiahou Su Su Qucai, can stay?

If you want to go, go to the most awesome hospital in the world!

Also, although the film is dispensable, it doesn’t matter.

But if I want to lose my virginity, I also want to find a young man that I like, and have fun with her and have sex happily. Who wants to break up with a cold and emotionless uncle like you?

Tsk tsk, you can figure it out with your toes. I'm afraid this palace master only knows one traditional posture, right?

So boring!

She wants to be happy!


After the Palace Master of Medicine Palace left Xiahou Susu.

The more I think about it, the worse it feels.

Ever since she woke up, this woman has been going hot and cold, making him feel miserable.

From time to time, she was extremely arrogant and deliberately provoked him.

However, when he was about to get angry, she softened her posture, coaxed him in a nice voice, and even gave him a lot of reasons that he couldn't refuse.

When did this woman become as sharp-tongued as a fairy?

In his impression, Xiahou Susu was a well-educated lady, gentle and virtuous, and did not know how to refuse.

When he was in the snow, his kung fu was disordered, and his illness was so terrifying, she was able to kindly save him.

Now he wanted to repay the favor, but she was pushing back and looking so enthusiastic. Why did he feel that something was wrong?

It's like... a different person.

Angry in his heart, he directly killed Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue's seaside villa.

"Gu Qiqi, get out of here! What have you done to my woman! Give me back the real Xiahou Susu!" He yelled.

Gu Qiqi was teaching Xiaotuanzi and Xiaobao how to play with ants in the courtyard of the villa.

As soon as he heard the voice of the Medicine Palace Master, he instinctively protected the two children behind him.


Two little guys, one on the left and one on the right, popped their heads curiously——

"Mommy, is that uncle out of his mind? He doesn't know what his own woman looks like, so he comes to ask you?"

"Mommy, does this mean he is called a legendary retard?"

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