Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2521 A bad woman like Gu Qiqi

novel network

Mentally retarded? ? ?

Xiaotuanzi's immature and cold conclusion made Palace Master Yao Gong's eyes almost fall to the ground with anger!

Damn, that bad woman Gu Qiqi gave birth to such a difficult child!

He is now 10,000% certain that his Xiahou Susu was tricked by this bad woman.

Maybe some kind of perverted experiment was done and the genes of this bad woman were injected into her.

Otherwise, why would a good lady like Gu Qiqi, a bad woman, become so arrogant and difficult to deal with?

"Gu Qiqi, what did you do to Xiahou Susu? If you don't change her back to me, I will crush you two brats to death!"

As he said that, the Palace Master of Medicine Palace had a gloomy look on his face, and he rushed towards Xiaotuanzi and Xiaonaibao with his sleeves fluttering.

"watch out!"

"Brother Yun, bring the brothers up!"

The two little guys are not fuel-efficient at all.

One swung the scalpel blade as neatly and accurately as a dart;

One commanded a group of mini robots, formed a formation, and instantly surrounded the Palace Master of Medicine Palace, firing mini anesthesia cannonballs at him.

Although the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace is not afraid of the two children, these little troubles that are innocuous but somewhat troubling have really affected his energy.

It made him unable to take a step closer to Gu Qiqi and the two little guys.

He was so angry that his temper was soaring!

"If I don't show you how powerful I am, you stupid humans don't know the strength of my Medicine Palace!" He roared in a dark voice.

Suddenly, spiritual energy came into play.

Suddenly, sand and rocks were flying, and even the sea not far away rolled up waves, like a tsunami. It felt like it would rush over in the next second and submerge their beach house...!

Gu Qiqi is ready!

She knew that the children's petty quarrels and mischief were fine, but they would never be able to compete with the power of the Lord of the Medicine Palace.

She scolded: "Baby, stay back!"

Immediately, he opened and closed his hands widely, took a posture, and faced him head-on!

Abundant light golden color dots flowed continuously from her fingertips, instantly forming a huge golden protective shield.

Block the powerful and abundant spiritual attack of the Medicine Palace Master, and protect the children behind.

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace narrowed his eyes: "Have you upgraded again? How far are you from the purple level of spiritual power?"

If this woman hadn't always been dishonest and attacked Su Su, maybe he would have cherished her talent and taken her under Yaogong's command.

Gu Qiqi replied calmly: "My level is none of your business."

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace: "..."

Damn, he's asking for trouble again!

You shouldn't relax at all about this woman!

"Gu Qiqi, let me tell you, as long as you are not at the purple level, I can easily kill you! The crushing between levels is absolute, no matter how you try, it will be useless!" Yaogong The palace owner said, shaking his arm!

In an instant, a spiritual attack that was a hundred times more powerful than before poured out.

It turns out that he just showed one percent of his strength, and his true ability has not yet emerged.

Gu Qiqi felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy and did not dare to slack off at all.

"Little dirty turtle, how long can our color spots last?"

"Report to the Master, and withstand his attack... for half an hour!" The little dirty turtle was worried, but he still tried his best to make suggestions, "Master, how about you poke his sad spot and provoke his various mood swings? We can easily earn his color points to make up for our shortfall, and maybe we can break through the blue level by the way!"

Gu Qiqi was quite depressed: "..."

The mentally retarded man opposite seemed to have no advanced emotions except anger.

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