Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2522: Sir Alex’s methods are too unfair!

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It is really difficult to take advantage of the Lord of the Medicine Palace and absorb the energy points of his emotional fluctuations.

Gu Qiqi's pale golden spiritual power continued to flow out of her fingertips, and she continued to defend herself. Her big eyes flickered for a moment, and she suddenly said: "You said Xiahou Susu has changed into a different person? That's impossible, she is still her. But you know , Heart transplant surgery is one of the most difficult surgeries. Heart transplant is different from other organs, it will have an impact on people's spirit! She is not a different person, but..."

"But what?" Sure enough, the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace became nervous and asked eagerly.

The little dirty turtle whistled: "Master, you did a great job! Ten thousand energy points! I got ten thousand energy points! This is equivalent to the effect of a prince. Wow, I didn't realize it. This Yaogonggong When the main emotion breaks out, the energy is so great..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Can you please stop comparing this idiot man with her men?

Can this be compared?

After a pause, Gu Qiqi replied calmly: "Xiahou Susu may have inspired her second personality."

"Second personality..." The Palace Master of Medicine Palace pondered, and obviously, the intensity of his attack slowed down a little.

As a great pharmacist, he knew exactly what the second personality meant.

Everyone has more than one personality at the moment.

In everyone's heart, there may be a second, third, fourth or even Nth completely different personality.

You may be a gentle and shy person, but your second personality may be bohemian.

Maybe you love men as your first personality, but maybe you also have another personality that falls in love with women.

The situation Gu Qiqi mentioned does exist.

But, will this be the case with Xiahou Susu?

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace's face darkened: "Don't try to quibble and make excuses for yourself! Any second personality, something that cannot be proven, is all nonsense!"

Gu Qiqi was speechless: "If you really don't believe it, then go back and do a DNA test on Xiahou Susu's hair to see if he is the same person as the former Xiahou Susu. This can be confirmed, right?"

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace was startled, but still did not relax: "You must come with me to do the appraisal!"

Gu Qiqi was speechless: "I still have very important things to do. Where can I find the time to conduct an appraisal with you?"

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace looked very unhappy: "What important matter? I obviously see that you are extremely idle!"

Gu Qiqi said seriously: "Play with ants with my babies!"

This time it was the Palace Master of Medicine Palace’s turn to be speechless: “…”

Depend on!

Playing with ants has become an important event.

And his woman may have been transferred to someone else and is in danger, but it's not a big deal?

Does this woman Gu Qiqi dare to be more irritating?

I really want to strangle her to death and be done with it!

The spiritual power of the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace was doubled in response to his anger!

On Gu Qiqi's side, her hands trembled slightly and she couldn't resist anymore.

But she gritted her teeth and still persisted!


"Mommy, I, I don't want to play with ants anymore...!"

Xiao Nai Bao and Xiao Tuanzi were extremely worried, especially Xiao Nai Bao, who attributed all the fault to his own greed for playing with ants, and his big watery eyes were filled with tears of annoyance.

Gu Qiqi looked back and smiled slightly: "Baby, mother told you that you can't give up your principles until the last moment, eh?"

Gu Qiqi's determined and confident tone made the Palace Master of Medicine Palace move.


This bad woman also has principles?

I was slightly distracted when suddenly, there was an earth-shaking loud noise.

It seemed like thousands of troops were coming.


"Puppy and Wolf!"

The children cheered.

The face of the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace changed, and the waves stirred up by his spiritual power were actually trampled by countless snow wolves.

And the surging snow wolves were running towards him!

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