Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2525: Stupid man, why are you closing the curtains?

novel network

Aunt’s blood!

Gong Jue's whole body was in bad condition.

"Qiqi, are you serious about what you said?"

"You can sell Brother Chu's medicine field, why can't I give you aunt's blood to drink?"

Gu Qiqi curled her lips at him with wide eyes.

I thought Gong Jue would be furious.

did not expect.

Gong Jue was just stunned, and suddenly smiled mischievously.

Then he hugged her into his arms and said, "Let me see where your aunt's blood came from, okay?"

This time it was Gu Qiqi's turn to feel bad.

Damn it, when did this stupid man have such a high IQ? He actually realized in one second that she was not menstruating now. She was just lying to him.

The soup is duck blood and vermicelli soup, with no blood in it at all.

Because since the victory of the werewolf case, no one in the empire has mentioned that Gong Jue is a werewolf. Even if Gong Jue becomes ill in the future and shows signs of wolf transformation, people will definitely no longer be surprised and scared, but will still I was so moved that I remembered that this was all the wolf poison that the Lord was poisoned by the enemy in order to protect them.

Therefore, she now has enough time to develop an antidote and is no longer eager to use her own blood to restrain Gong Jue's Wolfsbane.

I just lied to him that it was my aunt's blood just because I was angry that he gave away Brother Chu's territory.

Who would have known that Gong Jue, a shameless man, would actually use the trick, pretend to be stupid, and actually reach out to "verify" whether she was menstruating...


"Stop it, Lord Gong! The children are still outside!"


"Stupid man... why are you closing the curtains?"

Gu Qiqi's face turned red as she was tortured by Gong Jue.

Gong Jue smirked successfully: "My wife is right, close the curtains and do it!"

The daylight is still long, the happiness is longer...


After a fierce and long embarrassing incident.

Gu Qiqi was so tired that she fell asleep.

Gong Jue carried her to the bed, and when he was about to go into the bathroom to clean up, he saw her cell phone light up.

It's Mr. Ye's mobile phone.

Caller ID: Xiaolanglang.

Gong Jue frowned and didn't want to pay attention.

The call turned out to be very persistent, buzzing and shaking the desktop.

As soon as Gong Jue picked up the phone, Bai Lang complained aggrievedly: "Master Ye, wu wu wu, last time the prince stole your phone! I originally wanted to find you, but he deliberately sabotaged it and wouldn't let me talk to you. Mr. Ye, let me tell you secretly, Sir, he already has Gu Qiqi. You must not believe him. His behavior of pursuing you is stepping on two boats, and the sky will strike like lightning! You... Hey, Ye Young Master, are you listening to me? Why are your breathing a bit rough...What are you doing, Young Master Ye..."

Gong Jue had a cold face and spat out a few words: "She is doing morning exercises with me!"

"Morning exercises? It's almost noon..." Bai Lang didn't understand the profound meaning of these two words at first. When he came to his senses, he suddenly heard that it was Gong Jue's voice, which made his hands tremble with fear. "Ahem, cough, cough! Sir, what I just said was just fart. Just pretend you didn't hear anything. Bye!"

He hung up the phone with lingering fear, hugging his head and crying.

Hey, hey, why was the prince there when he made the report?

Have Young Master Ye and the Duke become so close?

We actually did...morning exercises together!

These two words must not mean what he thought, definitely not!

I looked for Mr. Ye twice and bumped into Gong Jue.

What bad luck!

Bai Lang learned from the pain and finally figured out the key to the matter.

The key lies in that little goblin Gu Qiqi.

He quickly composed and sent a text message——

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