Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2526: Squeeze the lordship completely!

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Bailang wrote this:

"Little goblin, have you not satisfied your man recently? Please fulfill your obligations as a girlfriend and don't let your man go around messing around with women! Little goblin, please don't be polite and squeeze all the palace lords out!"

Less than a second.

The other party replied: "It's none of your business. My men are so powerful that I can't squeeze them all out!"

Bailang choked.

Frowning and holding up the phone, I felt weird reading this reply.

Although, Gu Qiqi, a little devil, has always been arrogant, but she never calls herself "I", not even "I".

What stimulated you today?

Does it sound so similar to Sir Alex?

No matter what, if you want to break up Young Master Ye and the Duke, you have to start with Gu Qiqi.

He quickly made up another text message and sent it: "Little goblin, please understand, I am helping you! Don't let your man be kidnapped by another man and you don't know it. Some of you will cry! Lose to a woman Forget it, you said that if you lose to a man one day, how can you still have the face to hang out in the world?"

This time, the other party responded directly: "Get out!"

Bailang staggered.

Oh my god, why is this little goblin talking more and more rudely and domineeringly?

Tsk tsk, compared to his gentle and handsome Mr. Ye, he is really of a different grade.

There was poor communication with Gu Qiqi.

Bailang almost gave up.

But when I think of Mr. Ye, whom I have longed for, and when I am about to catch him, but the prince interferes with me, I really feel unwilling to do so.

He thought for a while, and finally sent another message, using his trump card: "Little goblin, I heard that you and the Duke wanted to see my Bai Qiangwei? But Bai Qiangwei didn't see anyone in the Zen room, so she rejected your offer. Is it a visit? How about this? I'll make a deal with you. If you can bring Gong Jue home, don't let him do anything outside. I promise to help you create opportunities and facilitate your meeting with Bai Qiangwei! "

The other party was silent for a moment, and then suddenly replied: "Go and make arrangements!"

Bai Lang shivered inexplicably.

If you add two words to this message, it becomes, "You, go make arrangements for me."

He will be 100% sure that this is from Gong Jue.

It's so scary. The little goblin and Gong Jue are together, and they actually talk like a couple.

After trembling, he was very optimistic about the outcome of this negotiation: "Then I will make arrangements. You can expect news from me tonight at the latest! However, remember to get your man back as soon as possible! He is about to be derailed. !”

The other party replied: "He is lying next to me."

Bai Lang curled his lips, gave a sly smile, and secretly said, Gu Qiqi, Gu Qiqi, you are so smart and stupid for a moment, and you are still trying to save face in front of me, right?

Gong Jue is obviously doing morning exercises at Mr. Ye's place and is feeling great. How could he be lying next to you?

You can't fool me, a know-it-all!

He was so proud that he started calling the Zen room to find Bai Qiangwei...


Beach house.

Gong Jue glanced at the charming little woman sleeping on the bed, his eyes softened a little.

He looked back and saw those bastard text messages Bailang sent to Gu Qiqi, and his eyes darkened again.

This guy Bai Lang actually has fantasies about his woman.

Although in fact that bastard fantasized about Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye was also his woman!

He couldn't help it and wanted to announce Mr. Ye's identity!

However, thinking that Qiqi had always wanted to keep an identity unknown to the world, he sighed helplessly and continued to compromise.


A thought suddenly flashed through his mind!

If you want to pinch Bailang's rotten peach blossom, there is nothing you can do...

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