Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2527 Gong Jue calmly considered

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Gong Jue narrowed his eyes and thought of a way.

It's very simple. Give Mr. Ye a wedding ring too!

Yes, next time let Mr. Ye wear a wedding ring and wave it in front of Bailang to make that bastard give up!

Thinking of this, Gong Jue felt better.

Prepare to turn off the phone and take a nice nap with Gu Qiqi.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi's phone rang again.

This time.

The caller was Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning helped him a lot in the werewolf case, not to mention she was Qiqi's best friend. He couldn't pretend not to see it, both emotionally and rationally.

Gong Jue picked up the phone.

Before he could speak, he heard Xiao Ning from the other side cry out: "Qiqi, brother Tianyu is so seriously injured that he is in the emergency room. I don't know if he will die. Wow... my uncle is very aggressive this time." It's heavy, it seems like it will really kill him, I'm afraid he will die in the operating room... Qiqi, can you come to the Affiliated Hospital of Imperial Military Medical University and help him? "

Gong Jue frowned.

Bai Yeyuan wants Mu Tianyu's life?

This relationship is really complicated.

He said solemnly: "What kind of injury is it?"

Xiao Ning was startled: "Sir? Is it you?"

Gong Jue: "Yes. Let me explain the specific situation clearly first."

Xiao Ning: "It's a trauma, a stab wound, it cuts into the groin, it's very deep! The doctor said the bleeding can't be stopped..."

Gong Jue considered it calmly: "Qiqi and I are on vacation at the beach, and it will take several hours to rush back to the city. If Mu Tianyu's condition is really critical, I don't recommend letting him wait for Qiqi to rush back. Imperial Military Medical University Professor Zhou Qing from the Affiliated Hospital is a surgical expert. I can contact her for you. Although her medical skills are not as good as Qiqi's, she is definitely good enough to deal with this kind of emergency trauma. The point is, she can rush to the operating room within three minutes. Second, if the bleeding cannot be stopped and the blood bank needs to be adjusted and transported, I can also call and arrange for you, as much as you need. In addition, please ask Professor Zhou if Mu Tianyu has been poisoned. If he is still poisoned at the same time, Then we can treat her after Qiqi passes. Identifying and treating poisons is what Qiqi is best at."

He arranged it methodically.

Xiao Ning gradually calmed down after hearing this, and she couldn't help but feel admiration in her heart: Sir Alex is truly worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Even in the medical field that he is not familiar with, the command and arrangements are so organized and flawless!

Indeed, the plan he gave is currently the best!

Xiao Ning bit her lip and nodded: "Thank you, Lord, for your kind help! Or... don't tell Qiqi just yet, so as not to make her anxious. If I really can't figure it out, I can go to her again, okay?"

Gong Jue nodded: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, he immediately implemented everything he had just promised to Xiao Ning.

After making arrangements, he lay down next to Gu Qiqi, hugged her gently, and touched her quiet and beautiful sleeping face with his long fingers.

The little woman is too tired. He can help her friend solve some difficulties, just solve them and try not to let her worry...

That Bai Yeyuan is the same, doesn't he even know how to pamper his own women? Can beating and killing solve the problem?

He is so rude and stupid, and he doesn’t come to learn from me. He deserves to lose Xiao Ning’s heart...


Xiao Ning put down the phone, and within two minutes, Professor Zhou Qing came.

Of course Xiao Ning knew Professor Zhou Qing's status, as he usually treated presidential-level figures.

It would be a great honor for the Duke to ask her to operate on Brother Tianyu.

She sniffed and wiped away her tears: "Professor Zhou..."

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