Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2528: Cruelly cut off all illusions about him

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Zhou Qing comforted Xiao Ning: "Don't cry, my child, wait until I go into the operating room to check the situation. Traumas are very complex, some look serious but are easy to treat; some don't look serious but the actual sequelae are terrible. The specific situation You need to make a concrete analysis and don’t worry unnecessarily and put more burden on yourself.”

The operation lasted for more than an hour.

When Zhou Qing came out, her eyebrows were relaxed: "The stab wound was quite deep, but the bleeding has stopped. Fortunately, the internal organs were not injured, so it only looks serious. Don't do strenuous exercise in the near future, it will heal." "

Xiao Ning's anxious heart finally relaxed.

Only then did I feel that my body was limp and had no strength at all.

"Child, you seem to be sick." Zhou Qing looked at her carefully and felt her pulse, "You are seriously anemic. Do you have a bad appetite these days and haven't eaten much? Silly child, you care so much. Your friend, but you didn’t take good care of yourself. You said, if your body breaks down, how much pain will it make your friends and family, huh?”

Xiao Ning's eyes gradually turned red when she heard an elder she didn't know well caring and comforting her like this.

An elder with such a distant relationship could put himself in her shoes.

But what about that man?

As her elder, why would that man always bully her?

How much hatred does he have for her? It's not enough to bully her to death like this, but he also bullies the friends around her?

She originally thought that Bai Yeyuan's absence in the past few days was because he felt guilty towards her.

Knowing that she didn't want to see him, didn't want him to appear in front of her.

Who knows, he didn't leave to give her a clean environment.

Instead, he went to seek revenge on Mu Tianyu!

Mu Tianyu, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was severely injured again!

It turned out that that day when he saw himself and Mu Tianyu hugging under the ginkgo tree, he didn't have a fit or take action on the spot. He just humiliated them with words. It didn't mean that he didn't hold a grudge in his heart!

It turns out that he wants to settle accounts with his wife!

Does he want Brother Tianyu to live in the hospital for the rest of his life, or to die in the hospital?

How could this man be so cruel!

What should she do to let him completely vent all the hatred in his heart and let the people around her go?

Xiao Ning clenched her fist hard.

His fingernails dug into his palms.

However, she knew that her power was too weak, too weak to protect herself or those around her, which made her feel so powerless!

Xiao Ning returned to the ward in despair and found that Ye Yi was looking for her: "Miss Ning Ning, you scared me. Didn't you go for a walk with Dr. Xia Hou? Why did you stay there for so long? What if the young master discovers this? It’s terrible, he will be very angry...!"

Xiao Ning smiled bitterly: "Did you tell him?"

Yoruichi scratched his head awkwardly: "Not yet... not yet..."

Xiao Ning: "Thank you. I won't do it again in the future."

She won't leave casually anymore.

Professor Zhou Qing was right, she had to consider the people around her, and for the sake of their lives, she also had to stabilize Bai Yeyuan.

Otherwise, if she is willful, it will be Mu Tianyu and even Bai Shaoyao who will suffer...

If she really wants to get rid of him completely and leave him, she can no longer escape in the same way as before.

She had to arrange everything well and study him as a target, instead of being naive or even attached...

She wants to cut off all illusions about him and only treat him as a financial sponsor who occupies her...

This way, everything is much simpler, isn't it?

Xiao Ning took a deep breath and reached out to tuck a strand of messy long hair behind her ear.

He raised his chin slightly, and there was a faint amorous look in his eyes, which was particularly charming.

She complained sweetly to Ye Yi: "Why hasn't my uncle come to see me yet? Can you help me contact him, just say, if he doesn't come, I won't take medicine..."

Yoruichi was caught off guard and stumbled!

Oh my god, little ancestor, did he hear it wrong?

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