Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2550 Mother and Daughter Meet

Bailang choked.

Damn it, I forgot about Sir Alex.

If the lordship marries the goblin and the goblin calls him uncle, then the lordship will also call him uncle...

Cough cough cough!

Guilty, sinful, this title was so beautiful that he simply didn't dare to think about it.

Bai Lang smiled shyly and laughed: "It's a matter of naming, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry! The key is to get the wedding done as soon as possible. The whole country is paying attention!"

The palace prince hugged Gu Qiqi tightly: "I have my own arrangements. You don't want the emperor to be in a hurry and the eunuch to be in a hurry!"

Gu Qiqi looked at him and smiled.

Of course she knew that Gong Jue wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible. Now of course it was for her sake and to wait for her to resolve her parents' matters, so he postponed the wedding abruptly.

Seeing such close eye contact between the two, Bai Lang was heartbroken: He was abusing the dog, he was abusing the dog again, it was too much! And he also described him as a dead eunuch...

You are so bullying!

He listlessly led the two of them to the banquet hall and left unhappy.

In the banquet hall, Adjutant Lu arrived first with Xiao Bei, Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Naibao. Unexpectedly, the children liked the simple Zen temple very much. When they saw Gu Qiqi and the others, they all rushed over to report. , what game did I play with the abbot grandpa just now, what novel vegetarian fruit did I eat...

Gu Qiqi played with the children for a while and found that Bai Qiangwei was not in the hall. She said to Gong Jue, "I'll go to the backyard and take a look."

Gong Jue: "I'll go with you."

Gu Qiqi: "Forget it, you can stay with the child. The backyard is the residence of female pilgrims. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to go."

Gong Jue reluctantly agreed.

Gu Qiqi walked to the backyard alone.

The backyard is isolated from the noise in the front hall, and it feels much cleaner instantly.

After walking through a dense bamboo forest, we came to a nursery.

Gu Qiqi glanced at it: "Hey. There is actually a Heart-Building Grass's so rare..."

I think about how much energy Brother Chu spent on planting Heart-Building Grass.

Not to mention that the owner of the Medicine Palace would rather make a deal with the Palace Lord in order to find the Heart-building Grass.

And it’s incredible that there is such a large area of ​​heart-building grass in the backyard of such an inconspicuous Zen room!

Gu Qiqi was looking down at the growth of Heart-Building Grass, and couldn't help but bend down and pull out some weeds next to the herb.

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "Don't move."

Gu Qiqi looked back and froze slightly.

She imagined the scene she wanted to meet with Bai Qiangwei thousands of times, but she never expected that the two of them would meet by the medicine field.

Unexpectedly, Bai Qiangwei didn't even look at her, but walked over quickly, snatched the weeds from her hands, and carefully planted them back.

Gu Qiqi had mixed feelings in her heart.


This must be her mother...

That indescribable feeling, even if more than ten years passed by in a blink of an eye, even if Qin Wei's appearance had changed, her identity and family background were completely different, she could still recognize her mother!

However, her move was only one-sided.

White Rose seemed to be more interested in flowers and plants than in herself.

She leaned down and used her green-white fingers to push away the soil, planted the weeds again, and cultivated the soil. Then she clapped her hands and stood up, whispering to Gu Qiqi:

"These weeds are the key to cultivating heart-building grass. Without these weeds, heart-building grass will not grow and bloom and its roots will rot. People in the world say that heart-building grass is difficult to grow. In fact, they just don't understand this key point. , self-righteously cleared away all the precious weeds next to it, thus creating a cocoon and artificially increasing the difficulty of cultivation..."

Gu Qiqi listened, knowing that what Bai Qiangwei said was very professional and important, but she just couldn't control her thoughts. There was only one question lingering in her mind: Why can Bai Qiangwei be so calm and indifferent?

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