Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2551 The twin roses appeared on her shoulders again!

Wait until Bai Qiangwei finally finished speaking.

Gu Qiqi said softly: "Ms. Bai, do you really not recognize me?"

Bai Qiangwei glanced at her lightly: "I recognize it."

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat, and a thin layer of mist filled her eyes.


The next second, Bai Qiangwei said calmly: "Miss Gu won the first place in the World Medical Competition at a young age and became famous at home and abroad. Even if Qiangwei is ignorant, she still knows your name."

Gu Qiqi's eyes dimmed in disappointment: "So this is what you were talking about..."

Bai Qiangwei: "I have been practicing in the Bai family behind closed doors all year round. I have never been far away. This is all I know."

The words he had never traveled far blocked all Gu Qiqi's questions in her heart.

Since he has never traveled far away, how could he get married and live in Qingcheng for so many years?

If these most basic conditions are not met, how can she recognize Bai Qiangwei?

Gu Qiqi's eyes were sore and swollen. Although she had just told Gong Jue that she was mentally prepared to "do her best and obey fate." However, she had really reached this point of resigning herself to fate. It would be false to say that she was not disappointed or uncomfortable. of.

"Miss Gu, is there anything else you can do?"

" more."

"Then it won't be far away."


Gu Qiqi closed her eyes, turned around and left slowly.

The breeze in the bamboo forest lifted her silk shawl, revealing a small part of her strapless dress.

A pair of gorgeous twin rose flowers, looming!

Bai Qiangwei's eyes suddenly stopped.

Staring closely at Gu Qiqi's shoulder, she couldn't help but take a few steps: "Miss Gu, please stay!"

Gu Qiqi turned around blankly, a glimmer of hope welling up in her heart: "Did you remember something?"

Bai Qiangwei's lips moved, but her expression was still a little cold, and at the same time a little curious: "No. I just want to see your shoulders..."

Before she finished speaking, the sonorous and powerful footsteps of a man sounded behind Gu Qiqi.

Gong Jue pushed aside the bamboo forest, stood behind Gu Qiqi, held her shoulders firmly with his big hands, and tied her shawl lovingly.

Then, he raised his head coldly and said to Bai Qiangwei: "Since you can't think of anything, please don't disturb my Qiqi anymore. If you go back on your word like this, it will make my Qiqi very sad. Do you understand? I don't know. Why are you like this? Are you really forgetting everything or are you just pretending to be confused? But I hope you know that there are many people in this world who want to take care of her and love her. If you don’t cherish this opportunity, I’m really sorry. We also I won’t give you another chance!”

Gu Qiqi squeezed Gong Jue's hand and said softly: "Jue, don't be like this..."

Gong Jue said in a deep voice and held her tightly, "I just can't stand it. Some people don't cherish you!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

At this moment, her eyes were sore that she was about to cry.

Maybe it was because she had experienced too many years of not being cherished by others, so Bai Qiangwei didn't want to recognize her just now. She just felt sad in her heart silently, without saying anything, and she no longer insisted on forcing others to make things difficult for her.

But when Gong Jue said this, she realized how deep and heavy the grievances accumulated in her heart were.

But no one knows.

Only this seemingly simple and rough man realized it.

She closed her eyes: "Jue, forget it, let's go."

Gong Jue said "hmm", held her firmly, took a deep look at Bai Qiangwei, turned around and left.

It wasn't until the two people's backs completely disappeared into the bamboo forest that Bai Qiangwei stumbled, almost losing her balance and falling to the ground.

She murmured: "Impossible...impossible...Miss Gu actually has two rose marks. She is...actually..."

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