Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2553 Can she still eat me?

However, Bai Lang still refused to believe that Gu Qiqi was really the murderer.

Although he has been fighting with her non-stop since they first met four years ago and constantly trying to sabotage her relationship with Gong Jue, but to be honest, in his heart, he has gradually accepted her as Gong Jue's woman over the years. This fact, and sometimes I feel that these two people are a good match.

If we think more deeply about why he hates Gu Qiqi, there is probably only one reason -

It's just that this woman is too smart and capable, and he is always abused every time in front of her, so he hates her.

However, as much as he hates it, he has to admit that no one who Gu Qiqi has plotted against or dealt with ruthlessly has brought it upon himself and is full of evil.

She has never killed innocent people.


Why did those two rose marks appear on her body?

Bailang said honestly: "Bai Moli violated the empire's criminal law and sold secrets to country S, so she was sentenced to death..."

Bai Qiangwei said: "The person who gave the order back then was Gong Jue. Do you dare to guarantee that you will have nothing to do with Gu Qiqi?"

Bai Lang scratched his head: "This..."

He remembered something again: "My eldest brother, Mr. Bai Yun, died on a ghost island more than ten years ago while participating in the Medicine Master Conference... This has nothing to do with Gu Qiqi, right?"

Bai Qiangwei: "Gu Qiqi also attended the Medicine Master Conference, have you forgotten?"

Bai Lang: "But that was four years ago. My eldest brother's bones have all turned into loess, right?"

Bai Qiangwei: "What if the eldest brother didn't die back then?"

Bai Lang was startled, then tugged at his hair frantically: "I admit that what you said makes sense, but I still can't believe that Gu Qiqi killed two of our Bai family. Although that little goblin was ruthless, , but why are you targeting our Bai family like this for no reason? Could it be..."

His eyes were stunned: "Is it because I ruined her good relationship with Gong Jue? Or is she jealous of my close relationship with her competitor, Mr. Ye? Yes, Mr. Ye is also the first in the World Medical Competition, tied with her, she She definitely doesn’t want someone to steal her spotlight..."

The more Bailang thought about it, the more he went sideways.

Bai Qiangwei had already fallen into deep thought.

A conversation with Bai Lang allowed her to more calmly analyze the origin of the rose flower on Gu Qiqi's shoulder.

The Rose Mark exists objectively and will never be without reason.

Even she couldn't put the mark of rose on others while she was still alive.

Therefore, Gu Qiqi must have been the last person to see Bai Yunxian and Bai Moli before they died.

And if there was no deep hatred, why would brother Yunxian and sister Jasmine leave this rose mark on her?

Bai Qiangwei was thinking, and from a distance, she saw Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue holding hands and talking to Mrs. Bai, seemingly about to say goodbye.

Her heart moved and she walked up quickly.

"Miss Gu, could you please take a moment to speak."

She looked Gu Qiqi up and down, but unfortunately Gu Qiqi had Gong Jue's suit jacket on her shoulders and was completely covered at the moment.

Gong Jue looked vigilant and said: "What are you going to say? Just say it here, don't think of any conspiracy."

Bai Qiangwei glanced at Mrs. Bai, and hesitated for fear of irritating the old lady.

On the contrary, Gu Qiqi pressed Gong Jue's hand generously: "Jue, she is an elder after all, don't get excited. I'll go and listen to what she says."

Gong Jue's lips moved and he said angrily, "I'll go with you."

Gu Qiqi smiled: "It's okay, can she still eat me?"

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