Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2554 If you take 7 steps out of here, you will die!

Bai Qiangwei raised her eyebrows and said, "We are right at the medicine field and we won't go far."

Gong Jue had a sullen face and reluctantly agreed: "If you don't come back in five minutes, I won't be polite."

He watched Bai Qiangwei and Gu Qiqi leave.

But, I still feel uneasy!

This mother-in-law is too disturbing, and she feels like a scammer. He has to keep a close eye on his little girl, and don't let her suffer.

Next to the medicine field.

In the pavilion.

Bai Qiangwei poured a pot of good tea on the stone table in the pavilion and poured a cup for Gu Qiqi.

Gu Qiqi glanced at the familiar Heart-building Grass in the distance, and then at the precious herbal tea prepared by Bai Qiangwei, took a sip, raised her eyes and asked, "I don't know, you called me back again, but did you remember anything?"

Bai Qiangwei pursed her lips slightly: "Actually, I want to ask you if you still remember the two members of our Bai family."

Gu Qiqi's expression became solemn: "Which two people?"

Bai Qiangwei: "My eldest brother Bai Yunxian, and my little sister Bai Moli."

Gu Qiqi put down her teacup: "Please tell me what you have to say."

Bai Qiangwei didn't beat around the bush: "Did you kill these two people?"

Gu Qiqi's face gradually turned colder: "So you invited me back just to talk about these two people?"

Bai Qiangwei: "What else?"

Gu Qiqi smiled bitterly: "I thought you finally...forget it, I thought too much!"

Bai Qiangwei had no intention of recognizing her from the beginning to the end, so why should she still be so hot-tempered.

But in the end, he still couldn't help it and asked one more question: "You don't remember me, what about Xiaobei? Xiaobei is also your biological son, don't you even remember me?"

Bai Qiangwei looked calm: "I said that I have never left the Bai family and do not have any children, including my son. Miss Gu, please don't change the subject. Why don't you explain how Bai Yunxian and Bai Moli died? ?”

Gu Qiqi put down the teacup and stood up.

Bai Qiangwei sat quietly and said softly: "If you don't explain this issue clearly, you won't be able to get out of my medicine field."

She filled the teacup with tea again, and with her white and slender fingers, she picked up a clumsy little ant on the stone table and placed it in the teacup.

Only three seconds.

The little ant struggled, its limbs stiffened, and passed out!

"This is the Seven-Step Powder. If you don't take the antidote and take seven steps out of here, you will end up like an ant."

Bai Qiangwei's voice was quiet, even gentle, but what she said was shocking!

Gu Qiqi frowned slightly and looked at Bai Qiangwei with an increasingly complicated look.

Maybe there are too many expectations, so when the disappointment comes, it will be even more incredible.

Just as he was about to speak, a strong wind blew behind him!

The man's cold aura enveloped her in an instant, and his tone was very unhappy: "I knew you had bad intentions, Bai Qiangwei, you will be punished for doing this, and you actually treated her like this! Those two losers from the Bai family She deserves to die, you actually poisoned her for two losers!"

He protected Gu Qiqi tightly, and his cold and stern eyes seemed to tear Bai Qiangwei into pieces.

Bai Qiangwei's lips moved. Facing this man who was a whole generation younger than herself, she actually felt that his aura was even much stronger than hers.

And, for some reason, seeing Gong Jue protecting Gu Qiqi like this and standing up for Gu Qiqi, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

What does it feel like?

It was as if something that was supposed to be done by her was taken away by someone else...

This feeling is so strange.

She has nothing to do with Gu Qiqi.

What she should do is seek justice for Bai Yunxian and Bai Moli.

Those were her dead relatives.

And in front of him is the murderer of his loved ones.

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