Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2578 Bai Yeyuan spoils a woman to the point of risking her life

Bai Yeyuan is really a big devil.

At this moment, Xiao Ning curled up in his arms, feeling the man's warm body temperature, and looked at the people in the entire hall, trembling because of the man's two words.

Seeing the harsh slap mark on Father Xiao's face again, she felt a little unfilial and felt quite happy.

She thought that Bai Yeyuan could really reveal such shocking murderous intent by just lifting his lips or moving his hands.

It turns out that she is not the most coward, it turns out that no one is not afraid of Bai Yeyuan.

Mrs. Mu wanted to say something without overestimating her abilities: "Young Master Bai, you can't scare us, you have to... you have to be reasonable..."

However, Bai Yeyuan glanced at her with a cold look, and Mrs. Mu immediately stopped speaking and shrank her neck in fear.

It's terrible. This man is unreasonable at all. He is the most reasonable person.

Father Xiao was slapped, and he couldn't stand up.

Logically speaking, he is still Bai Yeyuan's brother-in-law.

"Brother Yuan, I beat her because I don't want her scandal to be spread out..."

Not finished yet.

Bai Yeyuan said with a stern face: "Shut up!"

Father Xiao was startled.

Although Bai Yeyuan didn't say what would happen if he didn't shut up, the man's murderous face could make people guess that if he didn't shut up, he might not be able to shut up after a while...

At this moment, how could he still have the authority he had when he told Bai Shaoyao to shut up? He pursed his lips obediently...

Bai Yeyuan hugged Xiao Ning and locked eyes with Xiao Zhijun: "You said Xiao Ning seduced you?"

Xiao Zhijun's legs went weak inexplicably: "Yes...yes, no, eldest young master!"

Bai Yeyuan's eyes turned cold, and his voice was indifferent but no one dared to ignore it: "Do you think there are no surveillance videos on the mountain, so you dare to talk nonsense like this? Have you ever heard of drone aerial photography?"

Xiao Zhijun was startled, and his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinhead: "Young Master, did you use a drone to photograph us that day?"

Bai Yeyuan snorted coldly and was noncommittal.

Xiao Zhijun was sweating coldly.

If the scene of him harassing Xiao Ning that day was captured by a drone, wouldn't everyone know that he was a liar?

How will Bai Yeyuan deal with him then!

Xiao Zhijun was so frightened that he immediately fell to his knees, not even needing the bandage, wound or crutches: "Young Master, I remembered wrongly. It was not Ning Ning who seduced me, but me who drank too much and seduced her..."


Everyone gasped.

This witness is so unreliable that he actually lied. It seems that this so-called brother is not very good.

Bai Yeyuan ignored Xiao Zhijun, who was begging for mercy on his knees, and instead turned his attention to everyone again: "Who just said that Ning Ning was kept by an old man? Stand up for me."

His tone was so calm and cold.

However, no one dared to stand up.


Xiao Ning couldn't help but feel contempt in her heart.

She was bullied just now, and she was very proud of the bullying, and each one made her worse.

Well, now that the weak her has been replaced by the tall and mighty Bai Yeyuan, these people don't even dare to fart.

"It seems that my Ning Ning is usually too low-key, so that you all look down on her and think she can't afford good clothes or good shoes?" Bai Yeyuan said lightly, and his tone suddenly turned cold, "Still, Do you think I, Bai Yeyuan, cannot afford to pamper a woman?"

He raised his hand slightly, and Yoruichi behind him quickly pushed over rows of movable clothes racks.

It is dozens of meters long and can wrap around a house.

And those movable clothes racks are full of clothes and shoes that he has bought for Xiao Ning in the past few years. Many of them are still brand new and unopened.

Everyone's eyes were wide open.

Oh my God, it turns out that Xiao Ning has so many expensive top-grade dresses and top-grade shoes. Even a pair of socks are artist collaborations, worth thousands a pair...


It turns out that Bai Yeyuan's doting on women is so terrifying!

It turns out that it was her biological uncle who made Xiao Ning squander luxuries!

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