Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2579: Pampered to the point of lawlessness

Xiao Ning felt for the first time in Bai Yeyuan's arms, a feeling called peace of mind.

From the moment he stepped into the room with his cold aura, her angry and tense heart gradually relaxed. She no longer had to fight like a little hedgehog against the prejudice and slander of the people in this room.

Because he has his backing, his deterrence is stronger than anything else.

If he were a father, he would love and protect children, right?

Xiao Ning's thoughts drifted away for a moment, as if she saw Bai Yeyuan pampering his child so lawlessly. only……

When Bai Yeyuan said coldly, "Do you think I, Bai Yeyuan, can't afford to pamper a woman?" Xiao Ning's mind exploded with a sudden "buzz".


My uncle announced that she was his woman in public? !

Xiao Ning's heart that had just been relaxed suddenly became tense again.

With so many relatives and outsiders here, if her uncle revealed their relationship completely, it would simply push her to hell.

She looked at Bai Shaoyao nervously.

Fortunately, Bai Shaoyao didn't notice anything wrong with Bai Yeyuan's wording, and was looking at Bai Yeyuan gratefully and lovingly, thanking him for saving Xiao Ning's reputation.

She glanced carefully around the others.

Fortunately, everyone in the hall was gaping at the rows of luxurious clothes, shoes and jewelry displayed by Ye Yi, which was even more shocking than watching the Paris Fashion Week catwalk.

No one went to investigate in detail. Bai Yeyuan just used the title "my woman" to Xiao Ning.

Even if someone notices it, they won't take it seriously.

I can only feel that this is the special love shown by the elders to the younger ones, and the uncle to the niece.

Xiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

When Mrs. Mu saw Xiao Ning's dazzling array of high-end ready-made clothes, which were more valuable than her entire life's worth of clothing, she felt jealous, hateful and helpless.

She knew that with Bai Yeyuan's support here, she wouldn't be able to get any advantage today.

About to leave in despair.

Bai Yeyuan suddenly said calmly: "Mrs. Mu, it seems that you haven't finished what you should do."

Mrs. Mu paused and felt that her whole back was frozen.

This man just called her by name and said a few words, and she felt like she was facing a formidable enemy and broke out in a cold sweat!

It's scary. Bai Yeyuan is still so young and has such momentum. With time, wouldn't it be even more terrifying?

She smiled dryly and turned back: "Young Master Bai, um... I already know that what happened with Ning Ning was all a misunderstanding. It was a villain spreading rumors. I will tear up those bitches' mouths when I get back and let them Be honest! You...what else do you have to say?"

Bai Yeyuan didn't even raise his eyebrows: "Sign the divorce document before leaving."

Mrs. Mu's hand shook.

In fact, when Bai Yeyuan came forward to support Xiao Ning, she regretted it a little.

Since the "rumors" and "gossip" that Zhu Qianqian cried to her were all false, and Xiao Ning was so favored by the head of the Bai family... it would not be a loss to marry Xiao Ning's wife.

Her son Mu Tianyu asked her to break off the engagement today. She also believed the dirty information about Xiao Ning, so she opened the door so aggressively.

But if the black information is false and Bai Yeyuan's love is true, why should she break off the engagement?

Isn't it the best marriage to find a woman for your son who has a backer, a family background, strong financial resources, and can assist his career?

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