Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2604 Paternity Test

Chapter 2606 Paternity Test

Hearing the slightest unsteady breathing coming from Bai Qiangwei, Xiahou Susu was silent for a while, leaving Bai Qiangwei some time to digest.

Then she spoke again: "By the way, Aunt Bai, Bai Moli arranged for an impostor, Gu Xuexue, to come to your place to recognize her relatives. Do you know that? This means that she has long known about the blood relationship between you and Qiqi, and she clearly knows that Qiqi is Her relatives still did this to Qiqi... With such a person in front of her, you can tell that her words are completely unbelievable..."

Bai Qiangwei said softly: "I know everything. Thank you, Miss Xiahou, I know what to do."

Xiahou Susu nodded: "Okay, as an outsider, I won't say more."

She knew that it would be useless to talk more. If Bai Qiangwei could understand, she would understand.

If you don't want to believe it, it's useless to say anything.

No matter what, what she said today could be regarded as returning a favor to Gu Qiqi - thanking her for changing her heart and expelling Bai Moli's remaining soul.

Bai Qiangwei put down the phone, feeling a little unable to hold herself up. She could only lean against the tree trunk on the side of the road to steady herself.

What she has been unwilling to touch is that Gu Qiqi's life experience is so complicated and her fate has such twists and turns.

Before calling Xiahou's family, she actually went to Bailang and asked for all the information about Gu Qiqi in Qingcheng.

Before Gu Qiqi turned 18, it can be said that she was very miserable.

Her family's contempt and oppression almost treated her like a child laborer, constantly squeezing her, and almost preventing her from going to college.

If she hadn't worked hard on her own, it would have been impossible to achieve what she has achieved today.

But even today, when I met Bai Moli and Bai Yunxian twice, I had a narrow escape. If I was not careful, I might be swallowed up by those two old foxes with rich social experience.

If Gu Qiqi is really her daughter, then she is really ashamed of this daughter.

Thinking about Qiqi's experience was enough to make her burst into tears and make her miserable.

Bai Qiangwei felt a sudden sharp pain somewhere in her heart.

She has practiced Zen for many years and has long had a calm and ordinary temperament. But everything she saw and heard tonight challenged her years of cognition and challenged her emotional bottom line.

If what Sister Xiahou said is true, how should she face Qiqi?

Did her indifference towards Qiqi that day at the Zen Temple have already broken Qiqi's heart?

Bai Qiangwei closed her eyes.

What's even more terrifying is that she actually has such a big daughter.

She herself had no memory at all.

Was there something missing in her life?

The little girl calling her mother kept flashing in her mind, and Bai Qiangwei bent over in pain.

She endured the pain and made the last call: "Bai Lang, please do a paternity test for me. I want it as soon as possible."

Bai Lang scratched his head. He didn't know why this sister finally figured it out: "Okay, Bai Yeyuan seems to be over there in Switzerland, close to you. I'll go and tell him, okay? Let him help you get it done as soon as possible and find a professional." If so, the results will be available tonight..."

Bai Qiangwei was too painful to speak, so she hung up the phone with a "hmm" sound.

Looking back at the crowded arena, tears were already streaming down her face.

Such an excellent Gong Niannian and such a heart-wrenching Qiqi, but she felt that she might not have the face to see them again.

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