Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2605: Lost the game, won the precious hearts

No. 2 won precious hearts

On the field, Gong Niannian won the first place and happily ran over and threw herself into Gu Qiqi's arms: "Mommy, this trophy is for you! You and your two championship trophies happen to be a family of three."

Gu Qiqi smiled: "Okay."

Gong Jue has a dark face.

People who don’t know the truth: “…”

When did the goddess Qiqi have two championship trophies?

Bei Gonglie walked off the stage with a complicated expression, walked to the first row of VIP seats, and rubbed his hands nervously: "Qiqi, long time no see..."

He wanted to recognize this daughter but didn't dare to. After all, he was blind at the time and was deceived by that liar Gu Xuexue for so long without realizing it. He really didn't deserve to be a father.

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips and said nothing.

Gong Niannian, on the other hand, was not afraid of danger. She smiled and stretched out her hand: "Grandpa, although I defeated you on the field, we are still good friends in life."

The atmosphere was suddenly enlivened by this little milk bag.

Bei Gonglie showed a smile: "Nian Nian is right, grandpa will always regard you as his best friend... You are really great. I am convinced that I lost to you."

As he spoke, he sighed deliberately: "It's a pity that there is no way to make your grandma agree to my conditions, and I will have to be unable to go to her for the rest of my life..."

Gong Niannian blinked: "Grandpa, don't worry. You only said that you can't take the initiative to find her in your life. Then if I have to drag you to be my bodyguard when I look for her, then it doesn't count as you taking the initiative to look for her, right? Isn’t that right? From now on, let’s go to the Zen temple to visit grandma every weekend, okay? I feel so pitiful for her, she can’t even eat meat in the temple..."

Bei Gonglie's heart melted when such a clever little baby called him "Grandpa" every time.

What's more, Xiao Naibao helps him in everything, even finding an excuse for him to see Bai Qiangwei.

Is there any more powerful divine assist in this world than Nian Nian?

Only Gong Jue was speechless for a while: "..."

Little guy, who do you look like when you love eating meat so much?

Beigong was filled with emotions: "Niannian, thank you..."

The little girl suddenly suggested: "Grandpa, I just saw grandma going out to make a phone call. It's cold outside. Can we give her a coat? Let's go together."

Bei Gonglie's heart moved, and of course he wanted to go.

But when he secretly glanced at Gu Qiqi, he didn't dare to make such a mistake.

Gu Qiqi moved her lips and said softly: "Go back quickly. Go back to the hotel and rest early."

Is this considered acquiescence?

Bei Gonglie's heart surged, and his eyes became moist for a moment.

Although he lost in this competition, he seemed to have won two of the most precious hearts.

His baby Qiqi and baby Nian Nian seemed to be on his side.

Especially when Nian Nian called him grandpa, Qiqi didn't seem to have any strong objections to stop her...

He sniffed and said respectfully to Gong Jue: "Mr. Gong, then I will take Niannian out to find Qiangwei, and I will bring her back to the hotel safely. Don't worry."

Gong Jue said calmly: "Yes."

Although he looks so cold on the surface, he is actually ready to move on the inside.

This father-in-law is a good man, he takes the initiative to take the baby out for a walk, so that he and Qiqi can be alone together, and quickly return to the hotel to have a shy time!

It's better to come back later, he won't be able to do it for a few hours!

Bei Gonglie hugged Gong Niannian and walked out.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned back: "Qiqi, has your marriage to Mr. Gong been decided? I want to wait for your wedding and give you a gift..."

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