Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2606: Everything is planned by Sir Alex

The second master is planning

Gu Qiqi couldn't help but blush a little when she was asked about important life events so unexpectedly.

She didn't wait for an answer.

Gong Jue took Gu Qiqi's hand and was about to walk to the VIP aisle. He replied in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I'm already making preparations for the wedding. Please hurry up and get White Rose, our invitations will be sent to you soon." In hand."

Gu Qiqi looked up and stared at the man in confusion: "What invitation? Who said that I want to hold a wedding with you?"

Gong Jue narrowed his eyes and kissed her gently on the forehead: "Qiqi, getting married without a wedding is a very bad example for children. As a parent, you must set an example and not a single step should be omitted. ……Um?"

Beigong Mingtian, Wu Shijiu, Xiaolan, Qiu Qiu and others who had just walked off the stage staggered and almost fell to their knees when they heard this.

Sir, sir, this is the first explanation of the reason for a wedding that we have heard in our lives.

To educate children?

This shameless style is really... very noble.

Gu Qiqi was even more speechless: "Hey, the question is, who said they are getting married!"

Gong Jue had a solemn look on his face: "Qiqi, if you don't get married, are you going to have a lifelong relationship with me? It wouldn't be nice for the children to say that we are old and not ashamed..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Why is it that he is the one who is eager to get married, but she sounds like she is not ashamed?

In order to prevent Gong Jue from making any more shocking remarks in front of everyone, Gu Qiqi quickly pushed him: "Forget it, let's talk about it back to the hotel."

Gong Jue smiled sinisterly: "That's exactly what I mean."

After the two left, Qiu Qiu was still a little reluctant: "Wow, Master has been taken over by Master now. I haven't had a meal with Master for a long time. I really can't imagine whether Master will be even more beautiful after Master gets married. No chance to come out and get together with us..."

Xiaolan was disappointed: "Me too, I really hope Master can enjoy the good time of being single for a few more years..."

Wu Jiujiu fiddled with her nails: "I hope the Lord will marry Qiqi soon."

Everyone said in unison: "Why?"

Wu Jiujiu: "Because the Lord has a sense of security after getting the marriage certificate. This way he can let Qiqi come out and play with us more..."

Everyone: "..."

That makes sense!

No wonder I always thought there was something weird when Sir Alex said he was getting married. It turns out that men who are insecure are a little different!

Bei Gong Mingtian did not participate in the discussion and kept looking at the disappearing figures of Qiqi and Gong Jue for a long time.

It was only then that he turned his gaze and said softly: "What you wish for should come true soon. Their wedding won't be too far away."

Wu Jiujiu's eyes widened: "You know all this? Are you hiding something from me?"

Damn it, she didn't receive any news about Mr. Ye's wedding, but Xiao Tiantian seemed to know some secret!

Bei Gong Mingtian said calmly: "Everything was planned by Sir Alex, including the fact that Nian Nian won first place in the World Medical Competition today, it is also related to Sir Alex's arrangement."

Everyone gasped and looked at Beigong Mingtian with gossipy eyes.

Bei Gong Mingtian waved his hand: "Don't ask me too much, I only know a little bit, because before the game, I heard Sir Alex specifically instructing the organizing committee to arrange the seat of Bai Qiangwei in the first row, and it is The seat closest to the backstage. I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but now… I understand.”

What do you understand?

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