Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2607: The Duke is hopelessly sinister!

No. 2 is hopeless!

Everyone looked at each other.

Recalling that Niannian and Bei Gonglie had just gone out to look for Bai Qiangwei in a lively manner, everyone seemed to understand something.

Could it be that Sir Alex wants to use this competition as a medium to help Qiqi ease her relationship with Bai Qiangwei and Bei Gonglie?

Damn it, if you think about it this way, Sir Alex is playing a very big game.

This majestic world-class medical event was turned into a supplement to ease family relations by this man.

Moreover, if you think about it more deeply, what is the purpose of Sir Alex bringing together Qiqi, Bai Qiangwei and Bei Gonglie?

Of course, it is to stabilize Qiqi’s relationship with her natal family, so that Qiqi can hold the wedding as soon as possible and with peace of mind!

The key point is to get married! Get married!

Damn it, this man is hopelessly sinister.

Everyone showed expressions of realization.

For a moment, there was a feeling that Qiqi, the little white rabbit, was about to marry Gong Jue, the big-tailed wolf.

After being speechless for a long time, Wu Jiujiu said reluctantly: "But how can Sir Alex be sure that Nian Nian can take the first place? Why do you think he arranged for Nian Nian to take the first place? Weren't you always worried that Nian Nian's score could not surpass Bei's score? Gong Lie, are you here to comfort her?"

Bei Gong Mingtian took a deep breath: "Of course I didn't know about it before. I only found out after the final votes were announced. Look at this."

He opened the laptop he carried with him: "This is voting data analysis. Because it is a real-name system, there are powerful hackers on the Internet who have analyzed the source of Nian Nian's votes."

Everyone was fuming again.

Then rush over to look at the analysis charts.

There are many angles of analysis above, such as analysis by age, gender, education, nationality...

Everyone was a little confused.

"These votes are quite even. At first glance, they are real votes. There is no cheating at all." Wu Jiujiu concluded.

"And people who like Nian Nian range from three to eighty years old. Nian Nian's charm is really great." Xiaolan said with sincerity.

"Damn it, Nian Nian actually attracted a huge wave of votes from the Vatican! It is a religious country, and the people only worship the Pope. Generally, they will not participate in this kind of online voting. She is so awesome... She actually has fans from the Vatican !" Qiu Qiu was filled with emotion.

Bei Gong Mingtian looked at the sky speechlessly, and couldn't help but tap the screen: "Can you look at the key points?"

Everyone: "What's the point? You tell me."

Beigong Mingtian: "..."

I deeply understand the helplessness of teachers who teach older children with disabilities.

After pausing for a few seconds, he pointed to an analysis graph on the screen: "This graph represents the number of people with military status who voted for Niannian. The total number is tens of millions of votes."

Everyone looked carefully, and sure enough!

"Sixty million votes, that is, 60 million soldiers voted for Niannian?"

"Does the empire have 60 million soldiers?"

"No, eight hundred to ten million at most?"

"That means that soldiers from other countries also voted for Nian Nian?"

"Since when did soldiers like watching medical competitions so much? Isn't this impossible?"

"Even if you like watching it, you can't possibly vote for Niannian..."


Everyone stopped breathing for several seconds!

In this case, there is only one possibility - that is, the Duke took action and canvassed votes for Niannian in advance. Not only did the soldiers of the empire vote for Niannian, he also won over many other countries, and the entire army voted for Niannian.

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