Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2611: Has my little thing learned to be jealous? 【Big sweet】

Is the 2nd West Society jealous? 【Big sweet】

Xiao Ning groaned!

I wanted to resist, but I couldn't resist him, and he still got me inside.

She endured it, but finally couldn't hold it back anymore and reminded him in a low voice: "Uncle, there is..." in the bathroom.

Bai Yeyuan's voice was deep, with a touch of hoarseness and depth that is unique to men when they are in love: "What's there? Huh?"

Xiao Ning gasped slightly and her words were incoherent: "Yes... there is a condom..."

Bai Yeyuan's expression changed, and he couldn't help but increase his intensity: "No need."

He liked the feeling of close contact with her and didn't like the extra layer of barrier.

What's more, all the condoms have a strong and unpleasant rubber smell, which will cover up the sweet fragrance there.

So he refused without thinking.

Xiao Ning didn't know where she got the courage. She pursed her lips and said again: "Uncle, it's better... to use it. You should spend time with other women... in Italy, right? I'm a little afraid..."

What are you afraid of?

Afraid of getting dirty?

Afraid of getting sick?

Bai Yeyuan paused.

There was a faint chill on his face, intertwined with anger!

Little thing, you think he is dirty?

He also implies that he is a lowly man who is greedy for food and can eat any woman?

He is very picky about food, okay! ! !

Bai Yeyuan's heart was up and down, and he really thought about killing her.

After closing his eyes, he silently used his strength again. This time, he left no room for improvement and almost knocked Xiao Ning to death.

Until he turned her little face over and kissed her hard several times,

Only then did he realize that her eyes were tightly closed, and lines of tears fell down her cheeks, and the freshly dried hair on her cheeks was stained with tears...

Bai Yeyuan's heart moved inexplicably.

He slowed down his movements, kissed her eyelids, and softened a bit: "What's wrong? Isn't it just that I didn't use a condom? Isn't this how you used to come here before? Why are you having trouble with me today?"

He has always paid close attention to her safe periods and menstrual periods. He knows better than she does when she comes to visit her aunt every month, so although he has had some wild sex with her and never uses a condom, he always avoids it. Days that are easy to conceive.

Xiao Ning was crying silently, but when he said this, she couldn't help pouting her lips and sobbing softly: "Did you do this with other women in Italy? Don't you have to do it with them? What if you do it with them too? No need...then, wouldn't you..."

Isn't that equivalent to a toothbrush brushing several people's mouths one after another? dirty.

Unbearably dirty.

Although Xiao Ning didn't say the second half of the sentence, any man could guess what she wanted to say.

Bai Yeyuan's face turned green for a moment.

Those who were struck by her were almost inhumane.

Little thing, I still think he is dirty!



Bai Yeyuan's anger had just risen when suddenly, a strange feeling seized his heart faster.

How does the little thing know that he has a woman in Italy?

He was obviously so busy working every day that he didn't even have time to sleep. He just wanted to end his work quickly and fly back to Geneva to be with her. How could he have a woman?

Where did the little thing get his wild ideas?

He calmed down and narrowed his eyes: "Who said I did this with other women in Italy?"

Xiao Ning blushed, sniffed, and muttered with a waxy nasal voice: "You... you were on the phone with an Italian woman just now, and you dare to say that you haven't done this kind of thing with other women..."

Feeling wronged and disappointed.

And a little angry.

However, to Bai Yeyuan's ears, it sounded like a beautiful song of coquettishness.

The line of his lips slowly curved into a pleasant arc.

I finally understood what was going on with Xiao Ning.

His little thing actually learned to be jealous!

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