Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2612 I'm not interested in her [Jutian]

2nd interest [Jutian]

For some reason, Bai Yeyuan found it interesting to think that Xiao Ning would be jealous of him because of other women.

Bai Yeyuan's eyes gradually darkened, and he leaned down and kissed along Xiao Ning's back, causing her to tremble.

Until he bit her earlobe and whispered in her ear: "That woman's name is Juliet."

Xiao Ning was slightly startled.

Why tell her that woman's name?

Was he hinting that he wanted her to learn from that woman the trick of two women serving one husband together?

She doesn't want it!

"I don't want to hear her name..." Xiao Ning snorted with dignity, "Whatever you want."

Bai Yeyuan laughed softly: "She is the biological sister of my business partner Jonson."

Xiao Ning paused.

Is he... explaining?

Bai Yeyuan, who has always been cold and unkind, would actually explain his relationship with other women to her?

It's incredible.

Although, this explanation is not sincere at all.

Xiao Ning pouted: "So... you went to Italy under the pretext of doing business, but actually you had a secret meeting with your business partner's sister?"

So angry.

He also said that he came to Geneva with her specifically, which moved her for a long time.

He just wants to go hang out in Italy, right?

The smile in Bai Yeyuan's eyes grew stronger, and he bit her earlobe gently: "Stupid little thing! Her and I only have a working relationship. The distance has never exceeded half a meter. In other words, I have no interest in her. I’m not interested at all and don’t want to fuck her at all.”

Xiao Ning's face suddenly turned red.

Disgusting man,

Just explain, why are you saying such shameless words?

However, Bai Yeyuan kept talking: "So you don't have to worry about a toothbrush being used by many people. You know, it's very depressing when an innocent toothbrush is misunderstood, right?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

He actually used the words she had just complained about him to stuff her with. Why is he so annoying to this bad man?

How does she know if he has a clean toothbrush?

It’s really annoying that a man’s chastity cannot be verified.

Xiao Ning was silent for a while, then asked dully: "Then you just talked on the phone and had such a happy chat..."

She could never forget the smile on Bai Yeyuan's lips, and his whole body was filled with tenderness.

He was almost never that gentle when talking to her.

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows: "It's just a work call. If you don't believe it, you can call the recording on my phone now. All my calls have historical recording records."

Xiao Ning blushed.

Bai Yeyuan said it as if she was a boring woman addicted to catching "rape".

"I won't listen...I can't understand foreign languages..." Xiao Ning curled her lips.

Bai Yeyuan smiled sinisterly: "That's very simple. You can use translation software to convert it into the imperial voice in one go. If what I say is true, shouldn't you give it to me later..."

He said the name of a new pose mischievously.

Then induce her: "Listen now, huh?"

Xiao Ning blushed to her ears!

Bai Yeyuan's words came to this point, so it was obvious that he really had no messy relationship with that woman.

Otherwise, he would not take the opportunity to ask for shameless rewards.

"If you don't want to listen, I won't listen anymore..." Xiao Ning's little head shook like a rattle.

She regretted it very much at this moment.

Why do you want to eat Bai Yeyuan's dry vinegar?

The jealousy didn't work out, and instead he made a fuss all over himself.


Bai Yeyuan was in a good mood. He hugged Xiao Ning, got up from the dressing table, and walked to the bed, bumping into each other along the way and Xiao Ning was knocked out of his mind.

When you get to the bed, turn her over and continue playing with her the way you like.

With the explanation just now, Xiao Ning gradually relaxed and became less resistant to him.

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