Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2613 Their baby’s name is Xiaomili [Jutian]

The second treasure is called millet grains [Jutian]

However, after all, she couldn't withstand his bullying and was exhausted. She said all kinds of begging for mercy before he scratched her little nose and said, "You are really worthless. Follow me to the gym tomorrow to exercise hard!"

Although the words were harsh, he actually let her go softly. He only did it three times before he stopped tormenting her.

Xiao Ning slept soundly that night.

In the dream, a cute baby the size of a grain of rice stood in the palm of her hand and smiled sweetly at her: "Mommy, I want Daddy to accompany me to the amusement park..."

Xiao Ning was so cute that her heart melted.

"Okay, let me discuss it with your dad."

She couldn't get enough of the cute little baby.

It's a pity that dreams will eventually wake up.

When she got up in the morning, the dream had disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention whether she didn't remember whether the baby was a boy or a girl, she couldn't even remember the baby's features clearly, she only vaguely remembered that it was a white, fat, glutinous rice grain.


Could it be that Bai Yeyuan's surname is Bai, so the seeds planted in her are also fat white rice grains?

Xiao Ning couldn't help but burst into laughter as she thought about it.

Bai Yeyuan came out of the bathroom with a bath towel tied around his waist. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her: "Why are you giggling, little one?"

Xiao Ning quickly put away her smile and said with a guilty conscience: "'s nothing."

She couldn't let Bai Yeyuan find out that she was complaining about him!

He is a big white rice particle, and his baby is a small white rice particle.

So, from now on, let’s just call the baby’s nickname “Xiaomili”, right?

Well, it was decided happily and unilaterally!

No rebuttal accepted!

Xiao Ning felt happy in her heart,

Her cheeks couldn't help but blush slightly, revealing a smile.

Bai Yeyuan's eyes deepened and he continued, walked to the bed, leaned over and approached her: "Why, are you thinking about what happened last night?"

Xiao Ning came back to her senses, and faced the man's face so close to her, her heartbeat suddenly became very fast.

She turned her face away in embarrassment, trying not to look at him: "No... no!"

Bai Yeyuan laughed softly and pulled off the only bath towel on his body: "You forgot so quickly? Why don't you review it now?"

Xiao Ning's breath hitched.

She has experienced how scary men are when they wake up early in the morning.

She didn't want to be killed in bed.

She quickly got out from under his arm, climbed out of bed, and fled to the bathroom: "You promised to accompany me around Geneva last night. A man must keep his word!"

Bai Yeyuan's lips curled up, and he went to the cloakroom to pick out a shirt and put it on.

After Xiao Ning finished washing, Bai Yeyuan was tying a tie when she came out of the bathroom.

He looks businesslike all year round, wearing a suit, shirt and tie, and looks serious.

Xiao Ning thought to herself, so the words "dressed like a beast" are really correct at all. The more serious a man is dressed, the more beastly he is at heart.

She walked over and helped him tie his tie.

The sun shone in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, and the faint golden color cast a wonderful glow on their faces.

Especially Xiao Ning.

There are still fine little villi on young skin.

Bai Yeyuan looked at her, and at this moment, he felt like the time had passed.

He has been fighting in the mall all his life. He has shouldered the responsibility of the family since he was young, and has experienced countless bloody storms and seen too many life and death.

It seemed that such a peaceful and tender moment had never appeared in his life.

His Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he couldn't help but clasp Xiao Ning's head and press it to his lips...

Xiao Ning is so nervous!

She was so nervous that her toes tightened: "Little uncle, you said you would go out with me for a walk. I have all my clothes on. You can't..."

You can't act like a beast again... My waist is still sore!

Bai Yeyuan chuckled without meaning, without moving his hand.

He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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