Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2614 Xiao Ning wants to call Gu Qiqi cousin [must read]

Xiao Ning was a little confused.

How could a cold man like my uncle kiss her forehead tenderly?

Didn't he like to rub her buns roughly while biting her lips hard?

She couldn't understand him.

It can only be attributed to the fact that his recent business in Italy should be going very smoothly, so his attitude towards her has also become much better.

At least, she could make demands of him.

"Uncle, can we go to the amusement park to play later?"

"Are you sure you want to go to that childish place?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Ning nodded vigorously.

Xiaomili has given her a dream, so of course she has to fulfill her Xiaomili’s wish.

Bai Yeyuan readily agreed: "Then go."

Xiao Ning had a great time this day.

The city of Geneva is not big and not very prosperous, but Bai Yeyuan patiently drove with her for a whole day.

We went to eat the most famous local ice cream, went to a celebrity restaurant, and even went to an amusement park. What made Xiao Ning laugh the most was that the cold Bai Yeyuan actually accompanied her on the carousel.

Oh my god, the carousel!

When she saw Bai Yeyuan, who had a cold and ascetic temperament, sometimes riding a childish little wooden horse, sometimes sitting in Cinderella's carriage, she really... almost burst out laughing.

Bai Yeyuan, with a dark face, gritted his teeth and muttered in her ear: "Tonight, you make up for everything for me! I will ride a horse during the day, and you will ride at night!"

Xiao Ning shivered inexplicably.

Does this count as playing with fire and burning herself?

Anyway, the day passed quite happily.

Perhaps it was because they were far away from the imperial capital, the Bai family, and Bai Yeyuan's business world. The two of them seemed to have returned to their original nature. They didn't have to worry about the worldly troubles at all. They just returned to being a simple man and woman...

Return to hotel in the evening.

While Bai Yeyuan was taking a shower, Xiao Ning received a call from Gu Qiqi.

Obviously, Gu Qiqi also had a very happy day.

There was lightness in her tone: "Little Lemon, you are going to call me cousin..."

Xiao Ning was dumbfounded for a few seconds before she realized what she was doing and shouted happily: "Really? Qiqi, you and Bai Qiangwei have known each other? You... No, we are really a family?"

Gu Qiqi smiled: "She took the initiative to do a paternity test and found out the cause of death of Bai Moli and Bai Yunxian. She came to me to apologize."

Xiao Ning was so excited that she almost burst into tears: "My Qiqi, you are really... Even recognizing relatives is different from others. Others are begging to find their parents, but you are your parents asking you to recognize each other." ...But Qiqi, I think the hardship you have endured for so many years is worth what they have done to you! They are so incompetent. What kind of parents are they? They just abandon their children and ignore them..."

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips and said softly: "I was just like you before, I thought they were too irresponsible. But now I finally understand them. Bai Qiangwei was seriously injured, and there was a bruise on her brain. She lost her The memory of the entire ten years happened to be when she met Bei Gong Lie, then broke up with Bei Gong Lie and found out she was pregnant, so she didn't dare to go back to the Bai family. In the middle, she was probably tricked by Gu Qiu Shan into marrying him, and then she lost this memory in an accident. , was rescued back to the Bai family until now. It’s not that she refuses to recognize me, it’s just that I don’t exist in her memory at all..."

Xiao Ning listened dumbfounded: "Oh my God, my aunt has such a complicated experience, I have no idea! Ten years! Ten years is not a short time!"

Gu Qiqi nodded, feeling a little sad in her heart:

"Many people in the Bai family didn't know that she had been away for ten years. This time, I would like to thank Bai Yeyuan, who found out first and asked Bai Lang to tell me. There is also a DNA verification report, which he also found experts to make overnight. "

"Uncle?" Xiao Ning was stunned. She didn't expect that a cold person like Bai Yeyuan, who never cared whether Bai Qiangwei and Qi Qi were disowning, would actually give a boost at the critical moment.

Maybe my uncle's heart is really not as hard as he appears?

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