Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2618: The Lord is very satisfied with this treatment method! 【Must see】

Naturally, Bei Gonglie also raised his hands and feet in agreement, looking like a loyal dog who will do whatever his wife says: "Me too, me too! I have experience in raising children... I took care of Xiaotian when he was a child... You can have fun as much as you want." , don’t have any worries..."

Gong Jue's eyes narrowed slightly and he did not answer the overly enthusiastic old father-in-law.

He seemed to have heard Bai Qiangwei say "and" just now.

And what?

He looked at her inquiringly.

Bai Qiangwei smiled lovingly: "It would be best if Qiqi and you are planning to have children. By then you will have good medicine to cure the disease."

Gu Qiqi suddenly had a bad premonition, and her face suddenly became clear and dark.

Xiao Ning, an unmarried girl, realized that she was a little embarrassed, so she excused herself to the bathroom, pulled her nipple bag and peeed away.

Gong Jue, who did not understand medicine, could not understand Bai Qiangwei's meaning at all, so he stupidly asked his mother-in-law: "What good medicine?"

Bai Qiangwei: "**."

There was a "bang" in Gong Jue's mind, as if something had knocked him, and he was a little stunned.


Is this medicine?

Bai Qiangwei explained sternly: "Mother's body is made of essence and blood. Qiqi's blood is flame blood. Naturally, her body has the same effect as flame blood, or even more powerful. The point is, it will not harm the body. . Taking blood is too harmful to Qiqi, and I believe you are reluctant to part with it. But if you use **, there is nothing to worry about. The lactation period can last one to two years. During this period, you only need to drink a small amount every day to control it. Wolfsbane. In two years, the root cause of the disease should be completely eliminated and it will never happen again."

Bai Qiangwei elaborated on this issue purely from the perspective of a doctor.

And since she is already old, she doesn't feel any ambiguity or shame when talking about these topics.

However, Gu Qiqi still blushed as she listened.

God, she never dreamed that the person who could finally solve Gong Jue's wolf poison would be her... that one.

How could she, how could she let Gong Jue drink it...ahhhhh, she felt it was more mouthwatering than her aunt's blood!

The little dirty turtle secretly lied on her heart and snickered: "Oh, the scene of Sir Alex drinking milk is so beautiful, I won't dare to look at it when the time comes! Master, do you think Sir Alex will do it then? Are you going to fight with his own son over the food rations?"

Among all the people, the most satisfied one is probably Gong Jue.

He never expected that Bai Qiangwei provided such a wonderful plan.

Well, he suddenly wanted to go home for treatment.

To cure a disease, you must first create a child.

Well, almost every aspect is what he likes to do.

There is no doubt that Bai Qiangwei is the mother-in-law.

Gong Jue was in a good mood, and his mouth became sweet: "Mother-in-law, I would like to thank you for saving my life."

Gu Qiqi glared angrily and pinched Gong Jue hard under the table: Who the hell allowed you to call your mother-in-law? I'm not married to you yet!

Gong Jue was pinched hard by his wife, but he didn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, he felt quite happy: "Hitting is kissing and scolding, but it is love. Qiqi, you really love me."

Gu Qiqi: "..."


When Gong Jue was in a good mood, he couldn't help but give out sweets to Bai Qiangwei and Bei Gonglie.

"I wonder if my father-in-law and mother-in-law would consider clearing Qiqi's name?"

Bai Qiangwei and Bei Gonglie looked at each other.

Yes, I was so immersed in the happiness of recognizing my daughter these two days that I actually forgot about such an important event.

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