Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2619 Girls are destined to bleed for their lovers

Beigong Lie cleared his throat: "I want to directly announce at the wedding that Qiqi is the blood of our Beigong royal family, and her name should be Beigong Qiqi."

In fact, he had already prepared a super gift for Gu Qiqi that would shock the world, but he never expected that Qiqi would take his last name.

Now that Gong Jue brought it up, he carefully stated his thoughts, but still looking at Gu Qiqi's face, his tone was a bit humble and submissive: "If Qiqi doesn't want to, I will... just not mention her name yet. Things..."

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips and said softly: "I'll go back and discuss it with grandpa."

Although the Gu family treated her badly, Mr. Gu had always been very kind to her. If she changed her last name without even saying hello, he would probably be very sad.

Bei Gonglie nodded: "I understand, I understand."

Gong Jue narrowed his eyes and suddenly turned to Bai Qiangwei: "Mother-in-law, don't you consider giving Qiqi's surname Bai?"

Bai Qiangwei was surprised: "Is it okay?"

Gong Jue: "Of course, there are quite a few people with their mother's surname now."

Bai Qiangwei glanced at Bei Gonglie.

Bei Gonglie sighed slightly and said dotingly: "I'm all for you, as long as you like it."

Gong Jue calmly raised his lips slightly: "..."

Beigong Qiqi.

Bai Qiqi.

Although they all sound nice, I always feel that the four words Beigong Qiqi are too domineering and arrogant. Compared with his two words Gong Jue, I feel like I am being suppressed by my wife.

It would be better to call her Bai Qiqi.

Well, at least give him some dignity as a man.

After discussing names, Bei Gonglie and Bai Qiangwei started to worry about the preparations for the wedding, and asked Gong Jue if there was anything they needed help with.

Gong Jue curled his lips lightly: "No, just show up on time."

Bei Gonglie and Bai Qiangwei always felt a little guilty. This son-in-law was so capable. Organizing a wedding was one of the most complicated things in the world, but he actually did it all by himself.

Qiqi should be very happy to marry such a capable and responsible man.

They were very satisfied with Gong Jue.

The family chatted happily, and Xiao Ning, who came back from the bathroom, joined their camp and felt the taste of happiness from the bottom of her heart...


Xiao Ning declined their dinner invitation.

This night was Bai Yeyuan's birthday, so she had to leave time for him.

His plane arrived in Geneva very late, so she simply didn't book a restaurant.

Instead, she specifically went to the hotel kitchen and begged her to lend her a cooking space and cooked a few side dishes herself.

She knew Bai Yeyuan's taste very well.

All he cooks are his favorite dishes.

Casserole seafood pot; emerald tofu; smoldering fish in tin foil.

Especially the Xizhiji fish, known as the ruby ​​of the sea, she was very careful when cooking it, and her fingertips were accidentally pricked by the fins...

The chef next to me sighed with emotion: "Little girl, are you cooking dinner for your lover?"

Xiao Ning's face turned slightly red: "I... didn't... made it for my uncle..."

The chef smiled and winked at her: "I don't believe it. There is an old saying here that girls are destined to bleed for their lovers."

Xiao Ning became even more shy.

He pushed the dining cart and fled.

She slightly decorated the room, set up tables, chairs and tableware, and even opened a bottle of champagne for Bai Yeyuan while she drank yogurt.

Everything is ready, just wait for Bai Yeyuan to come back and enjoy it.

She is looking forward to sharing everything about millet grains with him!

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