Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2641: Medicinal soup that kills babies?

Xiao÷shuo◎网 】, ♦Xiao÷shuo◎.com 】,

Bai Yeyuan's tone was very sincere.

There was even a hint of affection in his eyes.

However, Xiao Ning only thought it was ridiculous - you will do what you can for me? Haha, are you just killing our children?

No one believes what you say!

Seeing that Xiao Ning didn't respond, Bai Yeyuan just thought she was pregnant and lazily didn't want to talk. He hugged her tighter with his long arms and walked slowly along the rose stand.

After walking around for two times, a servant came to report: "Master, the medicinal soup is ready. May I ask, young lady, do you want to drink it now?"

When Bai Yeyuan heard this, he lowered his eyes and asked her softly: "Let's go back and drink the medicinal soup, okay?"

Hearing the word "medicine soup", Xiao Ning's heart tightened instinctively!

What medicinal soup?

Is it a medicinal soup that will kill the baby?

She doesn't want to drink!

Even though she knew her arms couldn't twist her thighs, she still couldn't help but persist in a little pitiful stubbornness: "I won't take medicine! I'm not sick!"

Bai Yeyuan seemed to be coaxing an ignorant child: "Be good, this is not a medicinal soup to cure a disease, it is a tonic."

Xiao Ning became even more nervous.

What tonic?

I think it's abortion, fetus, medicine, right? !

Her body tensed up and she shook her head desperately: "I don't want it!"

Bai Yeyuan knew that she had always been afraid of taking medicine. She had been afraid of eating bitter things since she was a child. When she was hospitalized for bleeding during menstruation, he would feed her medicine with kisses one by one.

He sighed helplessly and whispered in her ear: "If you don't behave, then I can only feed you like before."

Xiao Ning trembled and suddenly remembered how he "given medicine" in the hospital.

The base of her ears turned red.

She also suddenly realized that by resisting so openly, she would probably be the one to suffer in the end.

What was even worse was the millet grains in her stomach.

So she took a breath, lowered her eyebrows and said, "I know, then I'll drink it myself...but I'll only drink one bowl!"

Bai Yeyuan slowly raised the corners of his lips: "Yes. One bowl every day."

Xiao Ning stiffened.

A bowl every day!

This is the rhythm that will slowly poison her baby!

However, she had no room for resistance and softly said "Yeah".

She went back to her room and drank medicine.

Bai Yeyuan went to explain to the servant the adjustments to the lunch menu.

By the time Bai Yeyuan returned to her room, she had finished drinking the medicine.

There is still a little bit of medicinal residue left, and there are traces of red lips on the mouth of the bowl. Well, it does look like she drank all the medicinal soup herself.

Bai Yeyuan looked at the medicine bowl carefully.

Xiao Ning was extremely nervous.

In fact, she didn't even take a sip of the medicinal soup. She poured it into the toilet and flushed it down. She even used a lot of shower gel to wash away the traces of the medicinal soup in the toilet, and then deliberately made a lip mark on the mouth of the bowl.

Yes, she has handled cases and now has good counter-detection capabilities.

However, she was still worried that Bai Yeyuan would notice. After all, this man was not an ordinary person. His eyes were very sharp.

She watched nervously as Bai Yeyuan held up a small bowl and looked around.

Her heart also had no sense of belonging like that bowl, and she was afraid that it would be dropped to the ground and shattered to pieces in the next second...


Bai Yeyuan just looked at it for a while, wiped the lipstick mark with his hand, and turned around and said: "Good boy, don't wear lipstick anymore. Protect the baby, okay?"

Xiao Ning felt relieved and almost sat down on the chair.

Fortunately, I hid it from him!

But then he thought again and continued to despise Bai Yeyuan: When did he become so good at deceiving women with sweet words? He actually asked her to protect the baby seriously?

Haha, it sounds like the man who personally fed her the abortion pill was not him.

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