Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2642: Pressed her against the door and kissed her hard for a long time

Xiao÷shuo◎网 】, ♦Xiao÷shuo◎.com 】,

Xiao Ning silently despised Bai Yeyuan in her heart, but Bai Yeyuan didn't realize it.

It's not that his eyes are no longer sharp, but that he already treats her as a pregnant woman.

The mood of a pregnant woman is inherently fickle and different from normal times, so he automatically regarded her unusual expressions in the past two days as the mood of a pregnant woman.

Well, his woman can tolerate a little emotion.

He asked the servant to put away the medicine bowl and help Xiao Ning rest on the bed.

Xiao Ning blinked and looked at him: "Aren't you... going to work?"

Bai Yeyuan slowly opened his laptop on the sofa: "I work here."

Xiao Ning choked.

This man, whose relationship is to monitor her and take care of her, has changed to work from home.

It’s so heartbreaking!

Xiao Ning got into bed angrily.

She thought that Bai Yeyuan could only spy on her on a whim, and would soon be replaced by servants. After all, for a business tycoon like Bai Yeyuan, time was calculated in terms of money. If she was delayed for one more minute, the business might be affected. So many millions of dollars were lost.

He absolutely couldn't afford to waste this time.

However, she never expected that Bai Yeyuan would guard her all by himself from morning to night.

Lunch and dinner were eaten with her in person.

In addition to making her depressed, she also had to worry about the abortifacient in the food, but she had to eat it in front of him.

But she also wisely observed that she would eat whatever dish Bai Yeyuan ate.

This made Bai Yeyuan very confused: "When did you have the same taste as me? Over there are your recipes for pregnant women, be good, eat more nutritious foods over there..."

Xiao Ning pouted her little mouth guiltily and declared squeamishly: "No, I will eat yours..."

Bai Yeyuan had no choice but to agree.

Who is the biggest pregnant woman in the world?

In the next few days, Bai Yeyuan stayed with her every step of the way.

Take care of her food and daily life with your own hands.

When it was time to take medicine every day, Xiao Ning would always try her best to throw away the medicine soup, or even go to the bathroom to vomit it up after drinking it.

She successfully avoided the "poison".

On this day, it was finally Bai Yeyuan's turn to say he was going out.

Xiao Ning was simply delighted.

I helped him tie his tie, handed him his shoes, and just carried his briefcase and worked as a secretary behind him to see him get into the car.

Before leaving the house, Bai Yeyuan glanced at her meaningfully: "You have become a lot more sensible after becoming a mother."

Xiao Ning forced out a silly smile: "Little uncle, why did you think I was so ignorant in the past?"

Bai Yeyuan was so aroused by her appearance that he almost didn't want to go out.

He held her waist, pressed her against the door and kissed her hard for a long time before letting go: "After ten months, I will kill you."

Of course, he didn't really kill her... he stabbed her to death, right?

Xiao Ning silently said "haha" twice in her heart.

After Bai Yeyuan left, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

She locked the door with a defensive look on her face, and then she felt a little bit safer.

She has thrown away the medicine these days, but what about the future?

If Bai Yeyuan finds that the child cannot be aborted, he will soon become suspicious.

what to do.

What should she do?

She flipped through the address book on her phone, trying to find someone to ask for help.

When she crossed Gu Qiqi's name, her heart ached slightly.

Qiqi and the Duke had just held their wedding and were definitely still on their honeymoon. How could she bother Qiqi with her trivial matter at this time?

Should Qiqi be allowed to return to China to save her?

Xiao Ning closed her eyes in discomfort.

I really don’t want to cause trouble to my good friends.

She's such a loser, she can't accomplish anything and only makes trouble for her friends.

Rubbing her sore eyes, she continued to scroll down.

Mu Tianyu definitely couldn't go looking for her. She finally broke off the engagement with the Mu family, and she didn't want to cause any more problems.

Her eyes continued down and stopped at the words white peony...

Xiao Ning felt sour in her heart.

At such a critical moment, as a daughter, she should actually consult her mother as soon as possible.

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