Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2643 The truth about miscarriage [must read]

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However, what she dared not give the most was white peony.

The first thing she was afraid of was that Bai Shaoyao would know about her scandal with Bai Yeyuan.

Secondly, she was even more afraid... Bai Shaoyao told Xiao's father and Xiao Zhijun her secret.

Bai Shaoyao is an old-fashioned kind of woman who doesn't have any ideas of her own and will only discuss things with her husband and stepson when something goes wrong.

If those two guys knew about her current situation...

She and the baby would probably die even worse.

Xiao Ning decisively ruled out white peony.


There are really few people in her mobile phone address book.

There are very few people further down, only some people who saved while working.

Xiao Ning's white fingers stopped on a name.

Fu Qingyun.

That upright little civil servant!

Xiao Ning's eyes softened a little.

Although she didn't have much contact with Fu Qingyun, in her impression, this man had a very strong sense of justice, and he was quite powerful and brave. He was not even afraid of suing the vice president, and he arrested the director of the veterinary hospital neatly. , the ruthlessness with which he handles cases is also quite handsome...

More importantly, this man is not womanizing, he is very gentlemanly, and makes people feel... quite safe.

If I ask him for help, will he help?

He is a national civil servant and receives a salary from the state. Helping a weak civilian woman like her is regarded as fulfilling his duty, right?

Hmm, thinking about it this way, the burden in Xiao Ning's heart lightened a little.

Time was running out, so she made the call immediately.

When dialing the number, she was still very worried. After not contacting her for so long, Fu Qingyun might not know who she was.

She also asked him to do things. Isn't it too shameless?


When the phone dialing tone "beep--" rang.

"Hey, Miss Ning Ning, what's going on?"

The other party actually answered her call in less than a second.

The tone is firm and powerful.

It was as if his phone number was specially prepared for her, and he had been silently waiting for her call...


Bai Yeyuan drove all the way away from the mansion.

The route was not the way back to the company, but to a high-end clinic.

"Young Master Bai, why are you here in person?" The female professor came out unexpectedly.

Bai Yeyuan handed two small bottles to her: "This is her urine and blood this morning. You can test it."

The female professor understood: "Okay."

But it was still a surprise: "Just ask the servant to deliver the specimen, you don't have to come in person..."

Bai Yeyuan uttered a few words in a deep voice: "I want to know as soon as possible."

The female professor shut up;

She has seen many men who are nervous about their wives being pregnant.

But Bai Yeyuan was the first man to be so nervous and concerned.


The test results are out.

The female professor frowned and reported the result to Bai Yeyuan: "You think the teratogen index is still a bit high... Have you urged her to take good medicine in the past few days?"

Bai Yeyuan frowned: "Yes."

The female professor was surprised: "It stands to reason that if you drink the medicine well, this indicator will drop within seven days."

Bai Yeyuan said in a muffled voice: "What if you can't come down?"

The female professor's voice was deep: "Then it's's really like what you said, it's a high-risk fetus and it can't be kept..."

Bai Yeyuan said nothing and walked out.

The female professor chased her out: "Young Master Bai, do you still want to have an abortion?"

Bai Yeyuan's voice was slightly cold: "I'm going to take another blood sample for testing. I pricked my finger this morning, which is not accurate. I'm going to take venous blood and test it again!"

Female professor: "..."

She really has never seen a man as nervous about his wife and children as Bai Yeyuan!

I actually had to take a second blood test just to be afraid of inaccurate results.

The female professor was filled with emotions.

It's a pity that this child is not blessed.

She recalled the unexpected and shocking words Bai Yeyuan said to her that night in the Bai family study room——

"Fifteen years ago, I once..."

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