Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2644 The accident 15 years ago

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That night, in the Bai family study room.

Bai Yeyuan looked solemn, took a long puff of cigar, and said slowly: "Fifteen years ago, in a vicious kidnapping case, when I went to rescue people, the other party used small nuclear weapons."

The female doctor was frightened when she heard this!

The most she can come into contact with is people who were hit by artillery shells or injured by sniper rifles during the war.

No patient injured by a nuclear weapon has ever been treated.

That was a nuclear weapon. Even if it didn't kill anyone, the sequelae would be enough to last a lifetime.

Just look at the defeated countries after World War II to see how serious the consequences of nuclear radiation are.

She couldn't help asking with a trembling voice: "Were you injured by the nuclear weapon at that time?"

Bai Yeyuan paused: "A little bit."

The female professor breathed a sigh of relief: "If you get anti-radiation treatment in time, there shouldn't be much of a problem, right? Medicine is very advanced now..."

Bai Yeyuan took a cool puff of his cigar: "There's no big problem, it's just not suitable for childbearing."

The female professor's heart suddenly shrank.

She suddenly remembered that one of the serious consequences of nuclear radiation is the mutation of genetics.

For people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation, reaching a certain dose will significantly increase the chance of deformation in their offspring.

Some are even 100% teratogenic.

This is terrible.

She really admired this man for being able to say the words "no big problem" calmly.

For such an outstanding man, it would be such a devastating blow if he could not even guarantee the inheritance of his descendants and could not even enjoy his offspring.

However, the man didn't even frown.

It would be better to have a big reaction when he heard that his woman was in poor health.

"Young Master Bai, I understand. No wonder you insist on having an abortion. It turns out to be because you are afraid that the harm of radiation will be passed on to your child." The female professor expressed understanding.

After all, no one wants to have a deformed child with defects, which is a pain for both adults and children.

She thought for a while and suggested: "Or, we can wait until the fetus is older and do a comprehensive test to see if there are any problems? After all... are you sure you want to perform an abortion on her now? The baby is almost ready It’s been two months and it’s already as big as a peanut… How about waiting a little longer?”

Bai Yeyuan's deep voice sounded coldly: "Sure. The sooner the better."

After a pause, he continued: "The older the child is, it will be too late to discover the problem. The later the abortion operation is performed, the worse it is for the woman's health. Her uterine wall is already very thin and cannot withstand an older fetus. Abortion.”

The female professor was filled with emotions and envied Xiao Ning again.

She understands what Bai Yeyuan means. Abortion surgery is very harmful to women. If the abortion is done with medication in the first one or two months, it will be a little better. Once the child has formed its arms and legs, it will be aborted again. Curettage surgery.

Unmarried girls may not know what a uterine curettage surgery is, which involves inserting a cold instrument into the uterus like a spoon scraping a watermelon, using force and ruthlessness to remove all traces of the fetus left in the uterus. clean……

For girls whose uterine walls are already very thin, such a highly invasive surgery has a high chance of leading to lifelong infertility.

Therefore, Bai Yeyuan did not consider the child's life at all, but the woman's safety.

If you want to protect the child, you must delay it until the child is older.

If it is for a woman, it is definitely better to choose an abortion as soon as possible.

The female professor sighed.

That charming girl is Bai Yeyuan's hidden wife, right? In order to protect her, he was so cautious that he did not even disclose the news of his marriage to the public. After having a child, the first thing he would rather give up for the sake of her health was the child.

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