Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2645 Bai Yeyuan is very nervous about her little wife

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"Do you want to discuss it with her before making a decision?" the female professor made the last suggestion.

Bai Yeyuan was silent for a moment and shook his head: "She is too kind and soft-hearted. She would rather hurt herself than let go of this child. I have to make this decision for her."

The female professor was helpless and nodded: "Okay. But you have to be mentally prepared. If she knows that you make decisions for her in the future, she may hate you and be unable to forgive you."

Bai Yeyuan held the cigar between his fingers and looked at the night sky with a somewhat vacant look: "She already hates me, but she's not afraid to hate me a little more."

The female professor was a little confused: "I think your wife loves you very much. If a woman doesn't love you, she won't be willing to give you a child..."

Bai Yeyuan did not refute her, but said calmly: "You don't understand."

The female professor wisely did not ask any more questions, but silently discussed the results of the examination with him: "From the general examination, the child has no problem, but you just mentioned the radiation risk, so I have to re-evaluate it. I will wait for it." The blood will be retested and a test for nuclear radiation teratogens will be added."

"Okay." Bai Yeyuan said nothing, standing by the window and smoking a cigar silently.

After smoking for a while, my nose moved. I was afraid that I would bring the smell into the bedroom later, so I put out the cigarette butt, opened the door and stood outside to blow the air.

The night breeze was very cold, but he stood there for more than an hour.

The female professor got the test results again, and her expression turned serious: "Young Master Bai, you are right, she has been affected in some way. Her blood and the fetus' blood are exchanged, and we have detected the cause in her blood. Teratology factor..."

Seeing Bai Yeyuan's increasingly cold face, the female professor shuddered and said quickly: "But the good news is that the indicator is not too high. I want to try to control it with the medicine to prevent miscarriage first. If I take the medicine for seven days If the index has not come down yet, there is a possibility that it will surge in the later period. It is indeed a high-risk fetus, and no doctor will recommend keeping it. I think if you tell her this situation after seven days, she should be able to understand your decision, and she will not It will hurt your relationship as a couple, what do you think?"

Bai Yeyuan was silent for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

seven days.

You can also take a gamble.

If you delay it any longer, it won't work.

He may not want the baby, but she must not become a lifelong infertile woman.


The female professor was still filled with emotion when she recalled her conversation with Bai Yeyuan that night.

She could really see how nervous Bai Yeyuan was about his little wife.

Nowadays, God is playing tricks on people, and even seven days of fetal protection medicine cannot change the situation. It can only be said that this child is really not blessed to be born in the world.

Although Bai Yeyuan was a little reluctant to admit this reality and said that he wanted to have his venous blood tested again.

But as a professor of medicine, she knew very well that the test results of fingertip blood and venous blood would not be that far apart, at least in this indicator.

But if he feels that it would be more reassuring to have his blood tested again, then go for it.

After all, it is a small life.

Although this man never said he cared about his children, he must not really care at all, right?

It's just that there is a woman who cares more about her, who comes in front of this lovely child.

If you lose it, it will still hurt.

"Okay, you go get a new sample and I will re-test it as soon as possible." She agreed.

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