Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2688 Are some scumbags looking for abuse? !

Qiu Xinxin shrugged helplessly, feeling that Xiao Ning was a little different from before.

At least, it seems to be a lot more heart-warming.

Good night as if no one is in the office.

The assistant said that she had gone out temporarily, and the files on the Vice President's sale of children were picked out and put away in the conference room for Xiao Ning to read by herself.

Qiu Xinxin couldn't stay with her for too long. She still had a lot of work at the front desk, so she had to give "Xiao Ning" a few words and leave in a hurry.

Bai Yeyuan treated everyone coldly and stayed alone in the conference room to read the case files.

Although the lines were as separated as a mountain, the Bai Group had many legal documents that he needed to read, so he could easily understand the case files.

Moreover, the businessman's vision is quite sharp, and he can tell at a glance what the most important part of an unfamiliar material is.

He was very fast, and he had already finished half of the case files that were almost as tall as one person in less than a morning.

During lunch, Xiao Ning called.

His voice was obviously filled with schadenfreude, "Uncle, you really don't need my help with the case file. I'm sure you can understand it. How many pages did you read this morning? You have to read it within ten days and present the summary within a month." Write down the lyrics, otherwise you will miss the submission deadline for the Fengyun Award.”

Bai Yeyuan sneered coldly, "This kind of mentally retarded case will take another month. I'll finish it today and write a summary for you tomorrow."

Xiao Ning ""

She couldn't believe it on the other end of the phone. She was silent for a long time and said, "Is Lawyer An relenting and is guiding you or Lawyer Niu Bin is helping?"

Bai Yeyuan sneered, "Are you too confident? You have this kind of popularity that you can help. Don't try to be a fat person. I think the people in this law firm don't welcome you. They wish you would die and never come back. You are the only one." What an idiot, he still misses this place."

Xiao Ning was angry, "Who said Lawyer An, Lawyer Niu, and Xinxin, brother Tianyu are all my friends, as long as I say a word, they are willing to help me."

Bai Yeyuan: "There are hundreds of people in a law firm, but you only have four talkative Xiao Ning. You are really good at it. You have the nerve to say it when you are so bad."

Xiao Ning "you"

Bai Yeyuan "That Ushibin, male or female"

Xiao Ning: "Male lawyer, you have met him"

Bai Yeyuan's voice was cold, "You'd better pray not to let me see him or Mu Tianyu, or I'll break their legs."

Xiao Ning: "It's too much. Can't you be more reasonable?"

Bai Yeyuan's tone was lazy, "Let's talk. My theory is that any man who approaches you with help will have his legs broken. If he knows better and doesn't flirt with you, his legs will naturally be safe."

Xiao Ning was furious, "It's useless if I don't tell you this, Bai Yeyuan. Since you promised to finish it in two days, then you should hurry up and finish this case for me. Otherwise, I won't go to your ridiculous shareholders' meeting. You Don’t even think about asking me to vote for you.”

Bai Yeyuan said calmly, "You don't need to vote. I already own 10% of the shares and am the major shareholder. It's OK for me to vote by myself."

Xiao Ning ""

Damn, why do I always get plotted by this big-tailed wolf?

Sure enough, those billions of shares were not given for free at all.

He has taken away part of the control of the Bai family.

Xiao Ning still wanted to argue, but there was already a busy signal on the other end of the phone.

Bai Yeyuan hung up the phone, raised his eyes, and looked coldly and indifferently at the two women who broke in at the door of the conference room.

He sneered a few times in his heart, he was a bit of a scumbag, was he looking for abuse?

Goodnight Kiss, Mr. Yun saw the situation that the goblins had imagined with their bodies changed back. He could only burst into laughter and praise you guys for being so talented.

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