Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2689 She is most suitable for cleaning cesspools!

As soon as Zhu Qianqian and Cai Qiuwen entered the door, they saw "Xiao Ning" talking on the phone.

The carefree and carefree look made both of them clench their teeth and feel itchy.

"This damn woman is so arrogant in our company. Who does she think she is? She is a fired employee. She actually has the nerve to come back and occupy our conference room, Minister Zhu. What you said is not too much." Cai Qiuwen was humiliated in the corridor just now. Unable to get angry, he turned around and brought in reinforcements, preparing to drive Xiao Ning out.

Zhu Qianqian's dislike for Xiao Ning is even worse than Cai Qiuwen's.

She had been looking forward to Xiao Ning's departure, but it was too late for her to be happy.

Seeing that Xiao Ning had come back openly now, wouldn't she have to be worried again in the future, worried that Xiao Ning would compete with her for Mu Tianyu?

Therefore, she actually wanted Xiao Ning to get out a hundred times more than Cai Qiuwen.

However, she acted tolerant and fair on the surface. "Qiuwen, you can't say that. Ningning lost such a good job, and her life is probably quite difficult. Occasionally, she comes back to earn some pocket money and make a living, so we can have more I understand, I understand. Didn’t the aunt in charge of company cleaning resign last month due to family matters? She is begging to come back to work this month. She can only live on the salary from our company."

Cai Qiuwen rolled his eyes, completely understanding the irony in Zhu Qianqian's words.

She smiled mischievously, "Yes, Minister Zhu, you are still magnanimous and kind-hearted. You can see that there are some little bitches. The financial backer behind her has fallen. She can't survive without food. So you are kind enough to give her a way out." no"

Zhu Qianqian smiled and said nothing, which was regarded as her acquiescence.

Hearing the mockery of the two women, Bai Yeyuan coldly hung up Xiao Ning's call, turned around, and shot the two of them with sharp eyes.

Cai Qiuwen, who was smiling like a bitch, shrank and hid behind Zhu Qianqian in fear, but kept saying, "Minister Zhu, this bitch still dares to stare at us, she, she, she is just a white-eyed wolf, even if you mean well Help her and she’ll bite you too.”

Zhu Qianqian was a woman who had seen big scenes, but Bai Yeyuan's look made her tremble a little.

She secretly wondered, when did Xiao Ning, a country bumpkin, have such a strong aura?

She is just a piece of shit who was abandoned by her financial owner and is tired of playing with him, but he still dares to show his face to her

Zhu Qianqian calmed down and smiled, "Xiao Ning, since you have come back to work in our company, you must abide by our company's rules. It's not okay to hide in the conference room and be lazy. Let's do this, for the sake of your old colleagues For the sake of face, I also take care of you, and I won’t ask you to do the work of cleaning the toilet."

Cai Qiuwen hid behind her angrily and muttered, "Why don't you tell her to do it? She is best suited to clean the cesspit."

As a result, as soon as he stood up, he was frightened by the cold aura of Bai Yeyuan and shrank back.

Zhu Qianqian smiled and said, "Qiu Wen, don't say that, how can you ask Xiao Ning to clean the cesspit? She is so beautiful and young, she is the most suitable to clean the smoking room. Do you think so?"

Cai Qiuwen was stunned.

Then the corners of his lips opened in an exaggerated arc, hahaha

“Great, great”

Where is the smoking room?

That's where the big smokers in the company get their kicks.

Smoking is not allowed in the office, so men who are heavy smokers gather in the smoking room and smoke.

To be honest, the smoking room is much dirtier than the toilet.

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