Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2690 She can’t suppress a domineering man like Bai Yeyuan

The toilets in this kind of high-end office buildings are actually quite clean, and even if they are a bit smelly, at least there is no poisonous gas.

The smoking room is different.

For non-smokers, it is simply a terrifying gas chamber.

And the nicotine in the smoke is indeed poisonous, and the smell is even more disgusting.

The most frightening thing is that those men who can't help but smoke desperately in the company are a little weird. Some of them smoke in the smoking room while smoking.

He unzipped his trousers and felt obscenely pleased with himself.

There are even more shameless ones who will catch female smokers who come in occasionally and have sex with them in the cubicle.

Everyone has already acquiesced to the unspoken rules of the smoking room, which means that everyone who comes in has no bottom line and is willing to do anything.

Now Zhu Qianqian actually arranged for Xiao Ning to clean the smoking room.

Tsk tsk, that means letting Xiao Ning be fucked by those men who are addicted to cigarettes.

Cai Qiuwen secretly smiled secretly, "Xiao Ning, Minister Zhu has arranged such an easy and enjoyable job for you, why are you still not grateful?"

Zhu Qianqian raised her chin and pretended to be concerned, "No need to be grateful. Xiao Ning, please do a good job in the smoking room. The company will take care of you and pay you on time."

The two of them winked and exchanged glances, completely treating Xiao Ning like a fool.

Anyway, they were sure that a newbie like Xiao Ning, who had just entered the workplace, would not understand the hidden rules between men in the smoking room.

Just when the two of them thought Xiao Ning was definitely going to take the bait.

Just listening, the little woman in front of me gave a cold sneer, "Since the work in the smoking room is so good, if you two go and do it together as sisters, those men who are addicted to smoking will be very happy, haha."

Zhu Qianqian and Cai Qiuwen were stunned together


Xiao Ning, this little bitch, actually saw through that they were playing tricks on her

They never imagined that under Xiao Ning's skin was the soul of a mature man, Bai Yeyuan.

He is a veteran in shopping malls. He doesn't know what those men in the company's smoking room are doing.

What's wrong with him that he doesn't understand?

Even if he doesn't do it, it doesn't mean he doesn't know

Cai Qiuwen nervously grabbed Zhu Qianqian's clothes and said, "Minister Zhu, what should I do? She refuses to go."

Zhu Qianqian's smiling face darkened. She was no longer too lazy to pretend, and said sternly, "Xiao Ning, that's not up to you. You have to go even if you go, or you have to go if you don't. I am the personnel director of the company, and I arrange everyone's work positions." , I have the final say”

When coaxing and inducement failed, she became so angry that she directly used her power to suppress others.


How could she suppress a domineering man like Bai Yeyuan?

Bai Yeyuan raised a cold eyebrow, "Haha, you have the final say, Zhu Qianqian, you haven't even wiped your own butt clean, and you want me to come back to help you finish the summary statement of the case, you have the nerve to beep here with me."

Zhu Qianqian was stunned.


Xiao Ning is back to work on the case

Only then did her eyes scan over the thick pile of documents spread out on the conference table.


It's the case file of the Vice President's child trafficking case.

Her face turned green and white, and it was obvious that someone had exposed her shortcomings, and she was losing face.

"Xiao Ning, you did a complete mess in solving the case. If I hadn't helped you deal with the aftermath, you thought you could win the Fengyun Award and now you have been rejected by the Fengyun Award. It's because the logic of your case is illogical and you are not qualified. Humph, I wish you well. Looking at you, I say it’s my problem. In fact, anyone with eyes knows whose problem it is.”

Zhu Qianqian was so tough-talking that she tried to win back the victory and turned everything black into white.

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