Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2790 Official announcement: I am a man with a master!

Last time, everyone was clearly staying in the conference room, so how could anyone randomly come to the elevator to greet them?

She didn't notice the dark smile flashing through Bai Yeyuan's eyes at this moment.

But she understood that it would definitely be too late to push Bai Yeyuan away at this time.

Not only is it too late, but it will also be bad.

Because once she pushes Bai Yeyuan out, the face that originally belonged to Xiao Ning will be exposed to everyone.

That was equivalent to completely revealing the "infidelity" between her and Bai Yeyuan.

This is definitely not a good time.

Xiao Ning felt resentful in her heart. At this moment, not only could she not push Bai Yeyuan away, but she also hugged him tightly, fearing that he would do something wrong again. She pressed his head into her arms and carried him out directly.

For her, it was an effort to hide her identity.

But in the eyes of everyone, that’s not what they think...

A group of old foxes are clever and tacitly agree:

"Oh, it turns out that the president is so nervous about this woman because he wants to protect her from being easily seen."

"This noble woman holds a lot of weight in the heart of the CEO!"

"That's right, the president can't help but hug him in the elevator before such an important shareholders' meeting, and do that and that, hehe..."

Xiao Ning faced everyone's burning inquiring gazes, her face was livid, as cold as ice, she walked into the bathroom with her long legs as fast as a storm!

That’s right!

She had to hide away from everyone and deal with this man who deliberately caused trouble.


The bathroom door was kicked hard.

Blocked out everyone's gossiping eyes.

Bai Yeyuan finally clapped his hands calmly and said, "Not bad, the reaction is very fast."

Xiao Ning was angry: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Bai Yeyuan: "Don't do anything. You also saw that I didn't say a word just now."

Xiao Ning: "..."

You didn't say anything, but what you did... was more thought-provoking than talking, okay?

Xiao Ning was pacing in place frantically.

I was simply too embarrassed to go out.

Bai Yeyuan did something like this in the elevator. What will happen when the shareholders meeting is held later?

What if someone recognizes him and turns out that the person he kissed just now was his niece in name?

Bai Yeyuan smiled half-heartedly: "Tell Yeyi to bring me a set of clothes. If I change them, they won't be able to recognize me."

This is a good idea.

Xiao Ning made a phone call and went out.

Within a few seconds, Yoruichi dispersed the crowd and quietly slipped a small pearl-white dress through the crack of the bathroom door.

Xiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next second, she looked at Bai Yeyuan suspiciously: "Why did Yeyi prepare clothes for you in advance?"

Bai Yeyuan smiled without saying a word and changed clothes directly in front of her.

Xiao Ning reacted suddenly.


This guy Bai Yeyuan had planned this early in the morning!

Damn it, he just wanted to embarrass her, make her crazy, make her nervous, and retaliate for her threatening text message yesterday, right?

She had another urge to slap the face in front of her that clearly belonged to her.


five minutes later.

Baishi Group's shareholders' meeting was officially held.

at the same time.

The news that Bai Yeyuan appeared in front of all the shareholders with a strange and precious little woman in his arms spread throughout the upper class society of the imperial capital in an instant.

Countless girls in the imperial capital who wanted to marry this big president were heartbroken.

I don't know how many wealthy families who want to marry the Bai family are also secretly wondering: Is this the Bai family's official announcement that this man Bai Yeyuan has a master?

After all, a man of Bai Yeyuan's status would never bring an unworthy woman to such an important occasion as the shareholders' meeting!

Liu Ruyin also quickly received the news.

While she was carefully tracing her eyebrows in the mirror, she broke off the eyebrow pencil with trembling hands: "It's impossible... Bai Yeyuan can't have a woman... back then... back then he..."

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