Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2791 Bai Yeyuan and the 8 hexagrams of women

Hearing that Bai Yeyuan actually appeared at the shareholders' meeting with a woman in his arms, Liu Ruyin's heart suddenly went into chaos.

She really couldn't imagine that a man as cold and cold-hearted as Bai Yeyuan would do such an amazing thing.

What's more, she knew best that Bai Yeyuan was clearly... deeply affected by that incident and could not easily contact women. How could a woman be exposed for no reason?

Or is it such a sensational official announcement?

She didn't believe it.

Liu Ruyin frantically called people she knew, trying to find evidence that the rumor was untrue.

However, the news she received made her very desperate.

Bai Yeyuan really has a woman.

However, he protected that woman quite well and didn't even show her face.

Liu Ruyin felt more and more strange that this happened.

There is no other woman around Bai Yeyuan, there is only one, his niece Xiao Ning.

She couldn't help but think of the petite and innocent girl she met at the dinner table when she accompanied Bai Yeyuan back to Bai's house for the first time this time she returned to China.

She deeply remembered that the girl finished her meal and left early that night, and Bai Yeyuan also left.

Bai Yeyuan didn't come to her carefully prepared birthday dinner, and neither did the girl!

Later, Bai Yeyuan was attacked by his enemies and got into a car accident, and the girl was also in the car!

Even their wards are closely connected VIP wards in the hospital...

Liu Ruyin's eyes gradually darkened.

She couldn't forget that when she saw Xiao Ning being favored, she was very unhappy, so she secretly found someone to test her, trying to slander Xiao Ning as the mistress who seduced Mrs. Wang's husband, and wanted to ruin Xiao Ning's reputation. I found her phone number and mocked her fiercely!

This girl Xiao Ning is definitely not the innocent little white rabbit she pretends to be.

Liu Ruyin was sure that this girl was thoughtful, vicious, and capable of doing all kinds of dirty things, maybe including seducing her own uncle!

Liu Ruyin's eyes were flickering in thought, and she suddenly murmured with determination: "What Bai Yeyuan announced must be the vixen Xiao Ning! Otherwise, he wouldn't have covered his face! He is testing the public's reaction! Given time, He might actually make it public!”

However, as soon as this conclusion emerged, Liu Ruyin covered her mouth in horror.

No, if that were true, that would be terrible.

My uncle and his niece...are acting recklessly! This is a shocking scandal that should not be tolerated by the world!

Liu Ruyin bit her lip tightly, thinking about how to deal with it...


Bai's headquarters.

The shareholders' meeting is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Gossips about Bai Yeyuan and women can only be circulated in secret. Everyone who comes to attend the shareholders' meeting is a well-known person. In the Bai family, they are old ministers, old friends and senior partners who can talk to each other. Everyone maintains their identity, but on the surface there is still trouble. Not surprised.

However, soon, this calmness will be unsustainable.

The most important thing on the agenda of the shareholders' meeting is to vote on the development plan for the east part of the city.

In the plan, the first alternative developer is Chengdong Group.

Chengdong Group is a nouveau riche that has emerged in recent years. The group’s boss, Mr. Wang, relied on his wife’s family connections to develop a lot of land and make a lot of money. In a cooperation opportunity, he spent a lot of money to acquire Some shares have become one of the smallest minority shareholders in the Bai Group.

Small shareholders like Chengdong Group have no say at all in Bai's, but they rely on Bai's, can occasionally eat some meat scraps, and claim to the outside world that they are Bai's internal partners. For upstarts like them, It’s quite a respectable thing and I’m already satisfied.

This time, the development of the Chengdong land parcel will not only bring face, but also bring huge benefits and profits, so Mr. Wang of the Chengdong Group is bound to win.

Just when Mr. Wang introduced his development plan eloquently, looking forward to Bai Yeyuan's approval and giving him a crucial vote...

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