Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2792: Little Lemon and Little Uncle PK on the spot! Who loses?

An accident happened.

Before Bai Yeyuan could speak.

Sitting on the majority shareholder's seat, a young girl wearing an exquisite white dress with an unfamiliar face spoke coldly: "Are you Mr. Wang of Chengdong Group?"

Although he felt a little unhappy, Mr. Wang still smiled broadly: "That's right."

I don't know where that woman came from, but since she can sit on the majority shareholder's seat and is so close to Bai Yeyuan, who knows if she is the woman of a major shareholder, so there is nothing wrong with respecting her.

The girl sneered: "Quit from this case! You are not qualified to participate in the development of Chengdong."

Mr. Wang's smile suddenly froze on his face.


The shareholders' meeting had just begun and he was sentenced to death?

No need to vote?

Don't you need Mr. Bai to decide?

You, a woman from a family, how dare you ask me to quit?

He suppressed his anger and asked, "Why?"

The girl looked indifferent: "No reason, I'm not happy."

I'm just not happy to let you take this business or make money for you, so what?

Mr. Wang choked.

It's not like he hasn't encountered setbacks since he started doing business, but this is the first time he has been embarrassed and humiliated like this by a woman.

He was furious, but he didn't want to explode on the spot, so he looked at Bai Yeyuan with pleading eyes: "President, do you have any valuable opinions on our plan..."

Xiao Ning, who was holding Bai Yeyuan's body on the executive chair, glanced at the lengthy and complicated plan and yawned inwardly.

To be honest, to her, these real estate companies all look the same, and it doesn't matter who they develop for. This Wang family is neither better nor worse than others.

However, since Bai Yeyuan specifically objected just now...

Humph, then what he opposes is what she supports!

Xiao Ning coughed lightly and said, "I think it's pretty good..."

Mr. Wang’s eyes lit up!

As long as the president approves him, he can win this case! As for those women who don’t know how to live or die, haha, what use are women’s opinions?


It didn't take him a few seconds to be happy.

A cold female voice interrupted the conversation between Mr. Wang and Xiao Ning.

In Mr. Wang's eyes, the "useless woman" sneered and said, "What's so good? This plan is a mess!"

The tone was Bai Yeyuan's unique contempt.

Xiao Ning glared at Bai Yeyuan: Are you deliberately going against me?

Bai Yeyuan glared back unceremoniously, with silent contempt: If you don't understand, don't pretend to understand! If I say I won’t let him do it, I won’t let him do it!

Xiao Ning was angry: Are you being reasonable? This is business, not a place for you to be willful!

Bai Yeyuan: I, Bai Yeyuan, am the reason!

Xiao Ning:......

During the eye contact, Xiao Ning was defeated.

Bai Yeyuan was really strong and unreasonable. Even with Xiao Ning's innocent and harmless face, people felt an inexplicable sense of domineering force.

Most people really can't handle him!

I just heard him continue to point out several fatal business mistakes in Mr. Wang's plan indifferently, criticizing Mr. Wang and his Chengdong Group as useless.

Mr. Wang was sweating coldly upon hearing this.

Xiao Ning was even more speechless.

What? These business plans that look almost identical have hidden traps and pits, as well as so many flaws...

Although Bai Yeyuan is an unreasonable man, once he talks about reason, he is more terrifying than anyone else, and no one can reason with him...

Xiao Ning felt so desperate. This was the ultimate crushing of IQ.

Let her know that she will never be able to surpass his level of perversion in this life.

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