Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2804 Bai Yeyuan outsmarts reporters

Bai Yeyuan spoke solemnly:

"I'm a little assistant? Am I fooling around? Haha, a little assistant like me can handle big cases just by messing around. What do you think will happen if I get serious?"

"Being famous? I'm not interested! But I'm happy to see my opponent get knocked down!"

"That reporter who cares about whether he slept or not, I want to ask you, when you were interviewing the septic tank, did you actually taste the septic tank to see if it was real feces? That was the only way you really did the interview?"

"Are there any questions with a higher IQ? If not, I won't excuse you!"

Bai Yeyuan's few words made those sharp-tongued reporters look at each other, speechless for a moment.

Ah, this female assistant named Xiao Ning...oh no, a female lawyer, is she too good at teasing people, right?

Someone popped up in dissatisfaction: "Xiao Ning, do you really believe that Zhuo Xiaoying was forced by her parents to sleep with all the men in the village? This is so unreasonable. There must be something fishy in this case! Why don't you tell me your true purpose today? , we will not let you go, on behalf of the people of the empire, we demand an explanation from you!"

Just when this man was feeling complacent and felt that his question was justified and Xiao Ning would definitely not be able to get off the stage.

Bai Yeyuan sneered and spoke slowly: "Give you an explanation? Who are you? You are not legally illiterate, are you? Do you know the nature of this case?"

The reporter frowned and was very confident: "Of course I know that this case involves dozens of defendants, and almost all the men in the village have been arrested. This scale is unprecedented in the history of the empire! So, it is so important. In this case, according to our country’s practice, journalists have the right to conduct interviews! Not only do they have the right to interview the court, they also have the right to interview both parties and reporters! If you don’t answer, it proves that you are guilty and you are afraid of being interviewed! Don’t blame us then Write out your guilty conscience and publish it in the newspaper on May 10th!"

This reporter is indeed very articulate and eloquent.

Everyone who was originally speechless also started to agree:

"That's right, Xiao Ning, don't be clever, answer our questions head-on, otherwise we will just write it casually!"

"We reporters are messengers of justice. If you are criticized verbally and written by us, be careful that you will not be able to survive in the lawyer profession!"

"Xiao Ning, you are a little assistant, why are you pretending to be here? Just tell me, who is the power behind you? Why do you want to slander all the men in Zhuojia Village? Zhuo Xiaoying's parents?"

Bai Yeyuan frowned.

He glanced around coldly, and his tone suddenly became louder and louder: "Law-illiterates who don't understand the law! You are not qualified to interview Zhuo Xiaoying's case! If you dare to write a word in the newspaper, you will be sued! "

The crowd booed: "Why aren't we allowed to write? We have the freedom to interview!"

Bai Yeyuan sneered contemptuously: "Writing about a minor's case is a violation of the law! This case cannot be heard publicly, let alone reported publicly, unless the minor consents personally and the official news is released uniformly! You guys go back and try to write a word? Ten Years in prison are waiting for you!”

Everyone’s hearts skipped a beat!

Everyone was attracted by the bizarreness and excitement of the case, forgetting for a moment that Zhuo Xiaoying was still very young, and the empire's laws were very strict in protecting minors...

It is a crime to report the case of a minor without authorization!

Everyone actually knows this.

Just to get the facts of the case, no one thought about it, but Bai Yeyuan caught him!

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