Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2805: When this man gets serious, he is invincible in the universe

There was silence for a long time, seeing Bai Yeyuan blocking everyone's way to continue the interview.

The previous reporter couldn't help but continue to refute sharply: "You are talking nonsense! Zhuo Xiaoying is over 18 years old. She is not a minor. You are the one who does not understand the law. Your little assistant is a joke! How sad!"

Everyone suddenly realized, yes, Zhuo Xiaoying’s mother said that she stabbed her stepfather with a knife after her 18th birthday, and she was already an adult when she was caught!

I almost forgot about this one.

Everyone changed their attitude again, as if they were going to surround Bai Yeyuan again and criticize him.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yeyuan sneered coldly, stared deeply at the reporter who had been deliberately embarrassing him, and said in a contemptuous tone: "How dare you talk to me about the law? Juvenile cases are not based on jail time. The calculation is based on the time when the victim was first violated! The age at which Zhuo Xiaoying was bullied was far younger than eighteen. This case is a minor case, there is no doubt!"

Everyone was completely stunned this time.

They are just gossip reporters.

I have only a brief understanding of the so-called "juvenile case" standards, and take it for granted that if you are an adult when you go to jail or go to court, it is an adult case, and your privacy is not protected by law.

But no one expected that the so-called standards for juvenile cases would actually have such detailed regulations.

They suddenly felt that Xiao Ning was a senior professional and they were a bunch of country bumpkins...

Bai Yeyuan, in the eyes of everyone looking up and ashamed, proudly climbed up the steps and stepped steadily into the court gate.

Qiu Xinxin, who was coming towards her, looked at the crowd of reporters outside in disbelief and exclaimed: "Ningning, how did you do that? I was just going to call you and ask you to go through the small door of the basement. Climb up quietly, otherwise, you will definitely be tortured to death by those terrible reporters...Their questions are too terrible..."

Bai Yeyuan said noncommittally: "Show me the case file first, and report the other party's demands to me again!"

Of course, Qiu Xixin could not know that a man like Bai Yeyuan would never go through the small door of the basement.

She didn't even know that a man like Bai Yeyuan would be almost invincible in the universe if he took something seriously!

All she knew was that at this moment, Ningning, who was standing in front of her, seemed to be speaking more and more handsomely, more and more like her uncle.

Well, the way he gives orders to her is like a female version of a CEO!

Really like!


In the court, after a short adjournment, the appellant applied to add a new defender—Xiao Ning.

Considering that Xiao Ning was a key figure who had been following this appeal case, the judge agreed to her attending the case hearing.

For the first time in his life, Bai Yeyuan stood at the defense table.

He never thought that he would be in such a disgraceful position in his lifetime.

And it was still against Xiao Ning's body.

Forget it, during this period, what weird and mysterious things haven't happened?

Therefore, he only sighed slightly for a moment and immediately entered the role.

"Your Honor, I want to question the evidence provided by the other party!" Bai Yeyuan went straight to the point.

The judge nodded: "What evidence do you have doubts about?"

Bai Yeyuan: "The signatures on the appeal are too neat. I suspect they colluded and provided false testimony under the instigation of their lawyers!"

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