Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2830 She rolled down the stairs!

Xiao Ning looked at Liu Rushi's weak back in disbelief, her whole body was in chaos!

She murmured: "Liu she a living person or a ghost?"

If even soul exchange could happen, then it would not be completely unacceptable for Liu Rushi to wake up from hell.

Ye Yi smiled: "Miss Ningning, you are so funny. Miss Shishi is naturally a living person. There are no ghosts in this world. We all thought she was dead at the time, but we didn't expect that she was rescued and survived. After coming down, she had just returned to Liu's house. This car accident was also an accident. Her driver was newly hired, and the car was also newly bought. It was not running in enough, and there was a heavy rain. She lost control and smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass of the restaurant, accidentally injuring the president. …”

He explained nonchalantly, and finally sighed with emotion: "However, if it weren't for this unexpected coincidence, Miss Shishi and the CEO would not have been able to meet again so soon. Sometimes things in the world are really wonderful... It can be said that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other..."

As Xiao Ning listened, more and more confusion came to her mind: Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi reunited, but what about her?

Has she, Xiao Ning, become a superfluous person from now on?

"Miss Ning Ning, shall I arrange for someone to take you home? Look, your shoes are wet and your hair is wet. It's too easy to catch a cold. You should pay attention to your health..." Yoichi warned worriedly.

However, Xiao Ning could no longer hear his words. She was immersed in her own world, and her heart was filled with speculations about how Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi, the former lovers, would develop in the future...

She walked out step by step, each step heavy and melancholy.

When walking to the stairs.

Before Yoruichi's people could come to escort her, she had already stepped down.


She was in a heavy mood and did not look at the road well at all. In addition, her shoes were stained with rain and the soles of her feet were slippery.

Soon, his steps slipped away, he missed the step, and he rolled down the stairs!

Yoruichi was so shocked that his soul almost came out of his body!

Oh my god, if Miss Ning Ning is good at anything, the CEO will kill people when he wakes up. He will kill people like crazy.

He ran over like flying, and with great difficulty, he finally caught Xiao Ning's body in the middle of the stairs.

However, it was still a step too late. Xiao Ning had already rolled twice on the stairs.

Ye Yi almost cried: "Miss Ningning, don't move. I'll take you to the doctor. Where do you feel pain or something wrong?"

Xiao Ning made no move.

Yoruichi patted her shoulder lightly, but there was still no movement.

Ye Yi was frightened: "Miss Ning Ning, what's wrong with you? Oh, oh, oh, don't let anything happen to you, otherwise I won't be able to save my head..."

In order to keep it secret, he did not dare to take Xiao Ning to see a doctor in an outside hospital, nor did he dare to find a doctor casually.

Instead, they opened the VIP ward next to Bai Yeyuan, let Xiao Ning live in it, and specially called Professor Zhou Mi to come over to diagnose and treat Xiao Ning.

Zhou Mi gave Xiao Ning a full body check and looked a little solemn: "Where is your president? I have something to report to him."

Yoruichi scratched his hair: "The president is also unconscious."

Alas, should we arrange for the CEO and Miss Ning Ning to pay homage to the temple recently? Why do they always end up in the hospital after accidents?

It seems like a bad year and bad fortune!

Knowing that Bai Yeyuan was also in a coma and no one listened to her report, Zhou Mi could only make her own decision and prescribed some medicine to Xiao Ning: "Although she is pregnant and should theoretically take less medicine, today she has a headache After hitting the steps, in order to prevent cerebral congestion, she still needs to take some medicine. The effect of this medicine on the fetus is negligible. If she wakes up, please explain to her..."

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