Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2831 The gentle and considerate Liu Rushi

Ye Yi gave all the medicine to the nurse who had been specially assigned to take care of Xiao Ning. He told the nurse to take good care of Xiao Ning, and then rushed over to see Bai Yeyuan's condition.

Bai Yeyuan's situation is quite dangerous.

Ye Yi didn't dare to tell the truth to Xiao Ning just now.

In fact, he suffered a violent impact on his head in the car accident, his limbs suffered minor or severe fractures, and there were even more bleeding spots on his body.

The blood in the blood bank was continuously supplied, and almost all the blood on his body had been replaced several times...

When Ye Yi gently opened the door, Liu Rushi looked back and nodded slightly in greeting: "Hello, Ye Yi."

After not seeing each other for many years, this girl still clearly remembered the name of one of his followers. Ye Yi felt warm in her heart: "Miss Shishi. You haven't rested for a long time. I'll guard the CEO. Can you go back and take a nap?"

Liu Rushi's voice was very gentle and humble: "You're welcome, Ye Yi, I'm not tired, just let me stay with him. I've been away from him for so many years and haven't had the chance to take care of him. I feel very guilty..."

Liu Rushi's voice was three-quarters delicate and seven-quarters sad. Listening to Ye Yi, a tall and thick man, she felt her whole body relax, and she felt an urge to protect her for no reason: "Miss Shi Shi, Don’t say that, it’s us who should feel’s us who didn’t protect you well back then, I’m sorry!”

Liu Rushi smiled calmly: "It doesn't matter, it's all over. I... forgot. Aren't I back well now?"

Ye opened her mouth but said nothing, feeling filled with emotion in her heart.

Girl Shishi, although you are back, but...

But the president only has Miss Ning Ning in his heart now, so he can only fulfill his responsibility to you.

"Okay, let's not talk about those unpleasant things in the past, eh?" Liu Rushi smiled softly and picked up a food box, "This is the soup I prepared for Ye Yuan. He won't be able to wake up, and the nutrients will be lost if he leaves it for a long time. Please help me get rid of it. You stayed up late and worked for so long, it's very hard. Don't worry about him, I'll make him a new one when I get back."

Yoruichi took the hot soup and felt moved.

Wow, Miss Shishi really has the tenderness and consideration of a mature woman. Even when she gave him soup, she deliberately said that she was helping her solve problems, for fear that he would be psychologically burdened.

In today's society, such gentle and considerate women are becoming increasingly rare!

"thank you……"

"Don't be polite to me. We have reunited after being friends for more than ten years. Never say thank you in a crude way again. Drink it quickly. It won't be good if you keep it for a long time." Liu Rushi said with a smile. .

Yoruichi was moved to drink the soup. After a few sips, she felt something was familiar: "Miss Shishi, is this mushroom soup?"

Liu Rushi nodded: "Yes."

Yoruichi: "Did you do it yourself?"

Liu Rushi pursed her lips lightly, seeming a little shy and nervous: "Hmm. Does it taste bad?"

Yoruichi: "No, no, no, I just think the taste is very familiar... Hmm... I seem to have drank it somewhere... I can't remember it at the moment."

Liu Rushi smiled: "It's an honor to make you feel familiar."

Yoruichi finished the soup and felt refreshed.

Since Liu Rushi insisted on guarding Bai Yeyuan, Ye Yi had to leave the ward temporarily to deal with other matters.

He was busy all night, and it wasn't until he was so tired that he lay down at the table to take a nap in the early morning that he suddenly remembered why Liu Rushi's soup made him feel familiar: "Well, by the way, Miss Ning Ning can also make mushroom soup. , and the president’s favorite drink is the mushroom soup made by Miss Ning Ning! Not to mention, the taste of Miss Shi Shi’s soup and Miss Ning Ning’s soup are really similar..."

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