Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2833 President, please slow down!

Bai Yeyuan interrupted Liu Rushi: "Okay, no need to explain, Ye Yi will find out whether the driver was accidental or intentional."

If it weren't for the soul exchange, Xiao Ning might have been the one who was killed at that time!

Xiao Ning's body is not as strong as his to resist, and she still has a baby in her belly, killing two people!

Thinking about this scene, Bai Yeyuan became angry.

Even if Liu Rushi, whom he hadn't seen for more than ten years, appeared in front of him, he couldn't show the slightest smile. He didn't even want to open his eyes and take a good look to see if this woman was Liu Rushi from back then, and whether her appearance had changed.

Liu Rushi bit her lip. Although Bai Yeyuan's attitude was colder than she expected, she didn't mind. Instead, she said softly and very understandingly: "Okay, I won't go on. I'll leave first. Tomorrow I’ll see you again. Remember to cover yourself with a cashmere blanket when you sleep at night. It’s late autumn and early winter and it’s a bit cold..."

She stood up slowly. She was as thin as a paper figure, and there was no trace of blood on her pale face. I really felt pity for her.

It's a pity that Bai Yeyuan didn't look at her thin back.

Bai Yeyuan closed his eyes until her door clicked, then he opened his eyes again.

He quickly grabbed his cell phone and called Xiao Ning.

After calling for a long time, Xiao Ning received a busy signal and did not answer the call.

"Little thing, when I was injured and hospitalized, you went out and didn't even answer the phone? Do you think she will be liberated after I die? Then she can find a wild man? It's outrageous!"

Unhappily, Bai Yeyuan pulled out all the tubes on his body, got out of bed, and walked toward the intensive care room while holding on to the wall.

He didn't see the mushroom soup clearly on the bedside. He accidentally spilled a large can of mushroom soup with his arm.


The fragrant mushroom soup was sprinkled all over the floor.

The smell penetrates people's ears, nose and mouth irresistibly.

Bai Yeyuan frowned, opened the door and went out without paying attention.

Ye Yi greeted him outside the door: "President, what are you..."

Bai Yeyuan: "Where is she?"

Yoruichi: "Are you talking about Miss Shishi? She has been watching over you for several nights, and now she is going home to catch up on her sleep."

Bai Yeyuan's voice turned cold: "I'm not asking about her!"

Ye Yi was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ning Ning girl, she... she slipped and fell on the stairs that day, and now she lives in the ward next to you..."

this time.

Before Ye Yi finished speaking, Bai Yeyuan walked directly towards the next door. His movement was fast and fierce!

People who don't know can't tell that he has a fracture in his ankle!

Yoruichi: "President, oh, wait, please slow down..."

Bai Yeyuan said the next sentence without looking back: "Clean up the dirty soup in my ward!"

Yoruichi was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Didn’t the CEO drink Miss Shishi’s soup?

It's obviously delicious and on point...

However, before he could ask why, Bai Yeyuan's tall figure had disappeared into Xiao Ning's ward.

Staircase corner.

Liu Rushi, who had just left, came back again.

Just then, I saw Bai Yeyuan dragging his sick body and couldn't wait to visit Xiao Ning.

Bai Yeyuan's own ward door was wide open, various tubes were scattered on the bed, and mushroom soup was spilled on the floor under the bed.

Liu Rushi looked pale and melancholy, biting her lip tightly.

Behind him, the maid A Zhu curled her lips and complained unhappily: "Miss, Mr. Bai has treated you so badly. You escaped from death. He should hold you in his heart. Now he will chase you away as soon as he wakes up." Let’s go, I thought he was feeling guilty for you and didn’t dare to face you, but who knew he was actually in a hurry to meet another woman, how unreasonable!”

Liu Rushi scolded softly: "Azhu, don't say that. Ye Yuan is not that kind of person. It's my fault this time. I shouldn't have come back and disturbed them... It's all my fault... "

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