Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2834 How much humiliation did you suffer back then?

Liu Rushi's words did not make the maid A Zhu put aside her hostile mood.

Instead, she became even more indignant: "Miss, you are so kind! Back then, you suffered so much because of your kindness that you almost died. Now that you are back, it's time for Young Master Bai to compensate you. Why should you?" Think about them? Why can they live so happily with peace of mind? They should atone for your sins and take you back to the Bai family to be a young mistress...!"

She was devoted to protecting her master, but she felt that Liu Rushi was wronged, and that Xiao Ning was so shameless!


After Liu Rushi heard these words of apology, she did not agree with her. Instead, she scolded her with a straight face: "Azhu, don't say such things again. I don't want to mention the things of that year... that year, they are all in the past. I Aren’t you also living well?”

A Zhu felt very dissatisfied after being scolded, and felt sorry for Liu Rushi. He couldn't help but whisper: "Miss, how can that incident be regarded as the past? Back then... how humiliated you suffered back then. , so many men..."

She hesitated to speak. Saying this would hurt Liu Rushi a second time. It was too cruel. It was simply unbearable for a girl to experience what happened to her every family.

Unable to say anything, he felt even more uncomfortable. A Zhu was so angry that he almost cried: "Miss, I can't forget how the Bai family treated you so badly! If it hadn't happened back then, you and Young Master Bai should have gotten married long ago. Now the kids are running all over the floor!”

Liu Rushi pursed her lips, sighed, and said softly: "Silly Azhu, don't care so much about your life. Caring too much about the past will only make you feel uncomfortable in the present."

She said softly, her expression still a little sad after all.

When Liu Rushi said this, A Zhu burst into tears: "Oh, Miss, I really feel sorry for you... This world is so unfair..."

"Don't cry, let's go. Ye Yuan doesn't want to be disturbed. I'll go home and make soup again. Come back tomorrow..."

Liu Rushi turned around and walked down the stairs.


In Xiao Ning's ward.

Bai Yeyuan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper as he listened to Zhou Mi's report.

"Miss Ning Ning's fall was very dangerous, and the car accident also frightened her to a certain extent, so in the recent period, she has tried her best to take good care of her fetus, not to walk around, and not to have any accidents. It is best to stay in bed to recuperate... Also, I did a blood test yesterday and found that her teratogenic factor was a little unstable. It had already dropped, but it was slightly rising. So I want to find a time when she is relatively stable, and do another major check-up for teratogenicity, and follow her up at any time. Her blood condition may require more blood draws recently. Young Master Bai, please remember to ask your servant to give her some more blood-replenishing food..."

Every word Zhou Mi said revealed a frightening factor.

Frightened fetus, teratogenic factors, excessive blood loss...

Bai Yeyuan frowned every time he heard a sentence.

At the end, he directly interrupted Zhou Mi: "Tell me, when will she wake up!"

He protected her at the scene of the car accident, but unexpectedly, she fell when she came to visit him in the hospital, and her fall was more serious than his coma.

What a careless little thing!

Zhou Mi replied apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai. When Miss Ningning wakes up depends on herself. She has some concussion and a little nerve damage. She may need a little self-will and a strong desire to be faster." Wake up, otherwise, you have to wait for the damaged nerves to slowly recover."

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