Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2851 The man suppressed a growl

Bai Yeyuan's temper is well known to the world, and he hates reporters secretly filming him.

Once he is caught by the media taking random pictures, he will definitely punish the other party by going bankrupt and running around.

Now that the photo was so openly displayed in the financial news, she didn't believe that Bai Yeyuan didn't know about it!

Not only do you know it, I’m afraid it’s his instruction!

Otherwise, where did the reporter get the courage?

Xiao Ning looked at the TV screen and felt that the picture was particularly dazzling.

She didn't think it was a big deal before that he didn't come to accompany her for her prenatal check-up, but now she saw that he was accompanying another woman to attend the event, and only belatedly realized that she had become the one left behind.

It's really, a bit ridiculously desolate.

Zhou Mi was helping Xiao Ning plan the nutritional menu for pregnant women next week, but she didn't pay attention to what was said on the TV. At this moment, she saw Xiao Ning was absent-minded and glanced at the advertisement on the TV screen. She didn't understand what was wrong with Xiao Ning and whispered softly. Remind her: "Miss Ning Ning? Do you have any objections to next week's menu? I added too much avocado and caviar, will you not get used to it?"

Xiao Ning came back to her senses and was still in the mood to care about what to eat: "Yeah, sure."

She hurriedly took the menu and had no intention of chatting with Professor Zhou, so she took her bag and said goodbye.

She wanted to get rid of this feeling as soon as possible.

This kind of emotion is trapped in a triangle relationship with Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi.

This kind of emotion made her feel inexplicably uneasy and uncomfortable. It was her nature to reject such overly complicated feelings. If possible, she would rather get away and stay far away from them!

Xiao Ning walked to the door and was surprised to find that the down-and-out man was still there.

It's just that the arrogant supervisor just now has left, and the down-and-out man is cleaning up the debris on the ground with his head lowered.

He gathered everything in one place and arranged it neatly. He also found a broom and mop to make the floor clean.

Xiao Ning raised her eyebrows in surprise and thought to herself, even though he was fired, he still finished the work so cleanly, so he was considered a responsible person.

The man put away his things and did not leave. Instead, he sat in an inconspicuous corner next to the door. He took out a worn-out mobile phone and dialed a number: "Dr. Zhao, please give me a few more days of grace and I will call you." Collect the money for my mother's surgery as soon as possible, and don't kick her out of the hospital... No, no, no, I don't treat the hospital as a hotel, but our house has been sold because of the treatment, and the old man has been discharged from the hospital. There is no place to live... But I swear, I will raise the money as soon as possible. I, I worked several jobs, I promise I will make it up..."

The other party seemed to ignore his request at all and hung up the phone directly.

The desolate man looked at the darkened screen absentmindedly. After a while, hot tears fell on the screen of his mobile phone.

Not far away, Xiao Ning was also a little moved.

Putting aside the fact that this man had scolded her, just saying that this man worked hard to treat his old mother, his filial piety was still worthy of recognition.

However, when I thought about it, it was thought-provoking that the supervisor had said that this man had committed a crime before, and that he had abused female students by taking advantage of his position.

Is today’s misery considered self-inflicted?

Xiao Ning sighed for a moment, thinking that her life was still in a mess, and she still had to work hard to get rid of the negative emotions brought to her by Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi. She had no more thoughts to pay attention to this down-and-out man, and continued to walk out.


Just take a step.

Suddenly I heard the man, sobbing and suppressing his voice, growl——

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