Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2852 Are you... expensive?

The man suppressed a low roar: "There is no fairness in this world, no! Lawyers and judges are all the lackeys of the rich! As long as there is money, black people can be called white! Innocent people can also be called white. Can be punished with a serious crime!"

Xiao Ning's footsteps stopped again!

Although she also knew that the legal profession was not as fair and just as she imagined, this man was too absolute!

At least, among the prosecutors she has met, Fu Qingyun is a very fair and honest civil servant. As a paralegal, she, like Qiu Xinxin, Niu Bin, and An Wanru, all act according to their conscience, even if it is not something He is a good person, but he has never done anything shady, and he will never become a lackey of a wealthy person for profit.

This man beat all the lawyers to death with one stroke, which she really couldn't bear!

However, after the man complained angrily to the judge and lawyer, his tone changed and he became sad again:

"Rich people do whatever they want, but poor people can only work in shady jobs all their lives, and they can't even protect their families... I know this world is unfair, and I can't compete with rich people, but it's really true that they don't even leave me a way to survive. It's too much! I admit that I am guilty of slandering me, I admit that I am imprisoned, and I admit that I am deprived of my teaching qualification... But now it has been twenty years, and I, Zheng Shaogang, am still being subjected to this everywhere. Because of the stigma, I am not even allowed to do the hard work of a porter. Why? Why can those rich people do whatever they want, but the poor have to be controlled by others? Is there really no conscientious judge or lawyer in this world? ?Why is Zhuo Xiaoying so lucky to meet a powerful and capable lawyer like Xiao Ning who can help her turn over impossible cases..."

Xiao Ning's heart skipped a beat!


Did this down-and-out man really understand the causes and consequences of Zhuo Xiaoying's case after he was attacked by Qiu Xinxin last time?

Why don't you scold her?

She actually praised her for being so powerful and capable?

Does he really have any grievances?

Xiao Ning raised her eyebrows, walked over calmly, and stopped behind the man.

The down-and-out man was feeling sorry for himself, looking up to the sky and sighing, when unexpectedly an elegant business card floated down from the sky.

He took it blankly and looked at the exquisite small words "Universe Law Firm, Paralegal, Charlene" on it, and couldn't help but murmured: "God, have you heard my appeal and are you ready to help me?"

Xiao Ning coughed: "It's not God who helps you, it's me."

The down-and-out man was startled, and when he turned around, he quickly recognized Xiao Ning: "You, you are a friend of the woman I had a quarrel with that day..."

Xiao Ning blinked lightly: "We don't know each other without fighting. Your name is Zheng Shaogang?"

The man nodded: "You are..."

Xiao Ning pointed to her business card: "Just call me Charlene. If you need legal advice or want to file a lawsuit, you can come to me."

Zheng Shaogang didn't believe he had such good luck: "You...are you really a lawyer? But it says paralegal..."

Xiao Ning smiled slightly: "That's just a title difference. What a lawyer can do, I can do the same."

Zheng Shaogang was doubtful: "Then you charge... very expensive?"

Xiao Ning pondered for a moment and seemed to be thinking seriously: "Well, it's very expensive!"

Zheng Shaogang's eyes darkened: "I don't have much money, so I may not be able to afford you."

Xiao Ning almost laughed out loud. This man was so naive, he couldn't even pretend to say a word, he was very honest. It is really hard to believe that such a man is a vicious criminal who bullies female students.

She said with a smile: "However, if the client's family is in difficulty, you can use hospital invoices and the like to offset the legal fees. It is considered a charity on my part."

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