Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2899: Amazing woman, shining!

Dear Chief Master No. 2, shine brightly! Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

Unexpectedly, Zheng Shaogang ignored them: "Go away, go away, I have seen through you all! You write whatever you want in the newspaper, I don't care anymore! You go away quickly, don't block my way... I still want to thank my great benefactor...!"

The reporters were pushed around by him and saw him chasing him all the way out, chasing after Xiao Ning not knowing what he was going to do.


When Xiao Ning walked down the long steps of the court.

Zheng Shaogang stopped her halfway up the steps.

He said nothing.

"Puff——!" With a sound, he knelt down directly towards her!

All the reporters were so frightened that their cameras almost broke on the steps.

Zheng Shaogang, a grown man, actually knelt down in front of Xiao Ning, a little woman!

Not only did he kneel down, but he also banged his head three times in a very sincere manner, and his scalp was broken.

No matter how Xiao Ning stopped him, he stubbornly insisted on doing so: "Lawyer Xiao Ning, I once swore that if you can restore my innocence, I will kowtow and kneel to you. The first time I bowed my head was to fulfill my promise. My original oath, a man must mean what he says! The second part is to repent for my careless offending, gossiping about you, and calling you a useless lawyer! Atonement! I was wrong! The third part , not for anything else, but to express my respect because I respect you, admire you, and think from the bottom of my heart that you are a great woman and an excellent female lawyer!"

Zheng Shaogang's three reasons made the audience sigh with emotion, and everyone even felt a little excited for no reason.

A woman can make a man willingly respect and worship her like this, without any relationship between men and women, only with pure admiration. It is really not easy! Very rare!

The reporters couldn't help but capture this scene, thinking that this was the real big news.

Xiao Ning in the lens is beautiful, so beautiful that she sparkles.

Not the kind of beauty that can be seen everywhere, but a powerful beauty who can control the destiny of others.

Xiao Ning herself didn't feel any different from usual. She even felt a little embarrassed and gently brushed away a stray hair from her face with her hands. She lowered her eyes and said to Zheng Shaogang: "Okay, okay. When a man sheds tears, it's not easy." Damn, this man has gold under his knees! Who told you to be so exaggerated? I am not a sculpture, and you are kowtowing to me three times, how awkward it is. Get up quickly."

Zheng Shaogang stood up as instructed, but his respect for Xiao Ning did not change. He escorted her out of the court along the way, blocking the reporters from harassing and disturbing Xiao Ning.

Not far away, Liu Rushi, who had just stepped out of the court and was under the strict guard of several bailiffs, was about to go to the detention center to await punishment, and Kelly, who had been sentenced to ten years in prison for false accusation and was sitting in a wheelchair as if she were dead. She looked at Xiao Ning with complicated emotions.

What's so great about that woman?

But she is considered a respectable woman by men!

Even Liu Rushi, who has been in the world for so many years, most of the time has to rely on women's weak weapons to be able to navigate the world of men with ease. She often has to rely on coquettishness and showing weakness to steal some benefits and advantages from the gaps.

But Xiao Ning is different from them.

That woman never uses her feminine characteristics to please men or gain convenience. Instead, she fights like a man on the battlefield of life.

Xiao Ning is real and competing with men on an equal footing.

So even if she loses, the men still respect her.

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