Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2900 My skills were all taught by my boss!

Dear Chief Sir, the second one was taught by the boss! Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

Liu Rushi felt a soreness in her throat and said softly to the bailiff, "Let's go."

She couldn't bear to see this scene.

She really never imagined that she would lose the lawsuit today.

She had just started in the empire and resumed her business, but she encountered Waterloo in her first move. Now she didn't even have time to think about how to make a comeback, but she had to worry about solving the imminent prison sentence.

And the winner was so many years younger than her.

It was as if all her years had been wasted.

There is a sense of sadness that "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach."

Liu Rushi took one last look at Xiao Ning and found that Xiao Ning got into a strange car under the loyal escort of Zheng Shaogang while being chased by reporters.

What is certain is that it is definitely not Bai Yeyuan's car.

A man got out of the car and opened the door for Xiao Ning. He looked unattractive, but Liu Rushi ignored him.

But the man wearing sunglasses sitting upright in the back seat of the car... looked a bit familiar...

Liu Rushi secretly wrote down the license plate number before leaving with the bailiff.


Xiao Ning was really having a headache being chased by reporters, and Zheng Shaogang's lanky body really couldn't withstand the reporters' siege for a long time. She was worried when suddenly, a dark gray car seemed to make no sound, quack Then stopped in front of her.

The familiar assistant Xiao Huang smiled and ran down to open the car door for her, and whispered: "Miss Ningning, don't be afraid. With our boss here, no reporter dares..."

He was just about to say, "No reporter dares to make a mistake. If anyone publishes your photos randomly, our parents will kill them!" Unexpectedly, Fu Qingyun gave him a cold look in the back seat of the car. , Assistant Xiao Huang immediately realized that he couldn’t be so high-profile, and quickly changed his tone: "Um... with our boss here, no reporter can catch up with us! Just sit back and watch!"

Xiao Ning felt reassured when she saw Fu Qingyun. She smiled slightly and got in the car without being shy.

As soon as she sat down, the car flew away like an arrow!


Assistant Xiao Huang is not bragging.

He controlled the speed of the car very well, and all the reporters behind him, whether they were driving cars, modified motorcycles, or off-road vehicles, were easily left behind by him.

From time to time, he would suddenly turn an unexpected corner, only to hear the car behind him "bang bang bang--!" and the car crashed into a mess.

Xiao Ning couldn't help but admire: "Xiao Huang, your skills are very good!"

Xiao Huang was a little confused: "Really? If you like Miss Ningning, I will drive for you every day from now on..."

Fu Qingyun: "Ahem——!"

Xiao Huang instantly realized that he had exceeded the rule again.

Quickly make up for it: "Um, actually, girl Ningning, you don't know that my driving skills were all taught to me by the boss! The boss is much better than me!"

Xiao Ning glanced at Fu Qingyun with a smile: "Well, I've been on his helicopter."

She still remembered that time, not long after they first met, she was working on the case of Dahua Erhua. In the countryside, at the most dangerous moment, Fu Qingyun fell from the sky and reached out to pull her onto the helicopter.

He drove very well and steadily, and she didn't even get airsick at all...

The corners of Fu Qingyun's lips curled up slowly, and he said calmly: "Our Procuratorate's training base also has skydiving, gliders... there are many things you can try. If you are interested, I will take you there next time."

Xiao Ning's eyes lit up and she was confused.


She wants to play, she wants to play!


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