Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2908 She was also tortured by Bai Yeyuan day and night

"Ning Ning, I haven't told you about my childhood, right?"

He hopes that she can get to know him better, so that maybe the relationship between them can become closer.

As a male animal, once it locks its eyes on a target, it will never give up until it is possessed.

He didn't want to hide his ambition - he wanted her, and the sooner the better.

Completely, completely get her.

From heart to body.

Xiao Ning said "hmm" without warning: "What were you like when you were a child? Did you grow up in the imperial capital?"

Fu Qingyun shook his head: "When I was very young, my family sent me abroad. They only sent one servant to live with me. And that servant was very strict and trained me to be independent since I was a child... I You have to wash even a sock yourself.”

Xiao Ning chuckled: "Hey, Inspector Fu, are you exaggerating? We all had to wash our own socks when we were young, why do you sound so aggrieved?"

When she was a child, she not only had to wash socks, but sometimes she would also help her parents wash socks to look at the adults' faces.

Not to mention that her good sister Gu Qiqi, who was bullied by Gu Qiushan and Gu Meifeng, once washed the whole family's slippers and socks...

Fu Qingyun was laughed at by Xiao Ning, with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "It's not aggrieved, Miss Ning Ning, you don't understand that a little boy is thrown in a place without anyone around him, and he has to do everything by himself. In the middle of the night, there was not even a relative around him who said good night to him and told him that tomorrow would be better. Any setbacks and problems he encountered in his life had to be carried and solved by himself... That kind of feeling, that kind of age , could very well destroy a vulnerable person."

His tone was calm.

Xiao Ning was a little moved when she heard this.

What a heartbreaking experience...

She suddenly understood that Fu Qingyun's regrets about being thrown abroad as a child - it was not a lack of material resources or the torture of housework, but a severe test and torture of the spirit.



No one came to help.

"I understand..." She licked her lips.

She also felt the same pain when Bai Yeyuan locked her up in the Little Red Mansion and tortured her day and night.

Those days seemed endless.

Her soul will ask herself tens of thousands of times, when will this test end?


She seemed to be getting over it.

Bai Yeyuan is changing little by little, and she is also growing and becoming stronger little by little.

"You can smile and think back to your experiences now, right? Because you have grown from a boy to a man." She looked at him understandingly, "Those lonely experiences in your childhood made you a better person. Are you grateful now for the experience you had?”

Fu Qingyun looked at her deeply: "Ningning, I am even more grateful to meet someone who understands me. Thank you for not laughing at my childhood, thank you for your understanding."

He did come out.

From a weak little boy, he grew into a cold and powerful man.

No one can arrange his life anymore, he can do whatever he likes.

Xiao Ning smiled mischievously: "Let me guess, in fact, not only when you were a child, but when you grew up and wanted to return to China to work, you also encountered a lot of resistance, right?"

Fu Qingyun raised his eyebrows, as if he had met a close friend, and nodded: "Yes. My family hopes that I can work abroad. At that time, I had already obtained the qualification of a foreign judge. There, it is almost impossible for a young oriental face to get such a qualification. status. But I want to come back."

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