Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2909 Ning Ning, I want to get a wife

Xiao Ning shouted exaggeratedly: "Judge! You are stupid! Of course you don't want to go back to the country. What's the point of coming back to be a small civil servant?"

Fu Qingyun's lips twitched a few times: "..."

He did not come back to be a small civil servant.

Instead, he takes charge of the entire prosecutor's office.

Fortunately, Xiao Ning did not pursue the question, but suddenly thought: "Then how did you convince your family? In fact, sometimes I feel that my family is very difficult to deal with... They don't like me as a lawyer! Can you tell me about yours? Experience, can I learn from it?"

Fu Qingyun: "They made me a condition."

Xiao Ning said meaningfully: "What are the conditions?"

Fu Qingyun stared at her deeply: "They asked me to marry a wife and have children within a year and inherit the family business."

Originally, Fu Qingyun was very dismissive of this threat from his family.


He hadn't even thought about it!

At his age, he just wants to fight for his career. Women are not in his field of vision at all. He will never stop for a woman.

Therefore, if his family gives him a random woman, he will treat it as a decoration and marry her, and it doesn't matter at all.

Unfortunately, fate in life is so unpredictable and unpredictable.

He met Xiao Ning.

At this moment, he is more anxious to finalize this relationship than any other girl in the world who hates getting married.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ning didn't receive his signal at all. Instead, she stared with big blank eyes and asked doubtfully: "Do you have a mine in your family that you want to inherit? Why are you so eager to marry you off? Ahem... No, Are you anxious to get a wife and have children?"

Fu Qingyun smiled awkwardly: "Perhaps it is an old idea, more traditional. They think that a man should have a family, be more mature and stable, and be more conducive to career development."

Xiao Ning: "Oh...I understand!"

That's probably similar to how Mrs. Bai is always keen on giving Bai Yeyuan blind dates. She collects piles of photos of famous ladies behind Bai Yeyuan's back, carefully selects them, reviews them, and rushes to decide on Bai Yeyuan's marriage. Feel.

When Fu Qingyun talked about this, he felt that it was almost a matter of course.

He pursed his lips and looked at Xiao Ning seriously: "However, I now feel that maybe my family's idea is not wrong. I now feel that if I find the girl I like, I should get married with her earlier and get married together. , is also a very romantic thing... Ning Ning, you..."

Xiao Ning didn't quite hear the second half of his words, so she just wanted to ask him gossipingly, have you found the girl you like? Who? Can you bring us to see it?

However, before Bagua could ask the question, his cell phone rang loudly!

"Sorry, Prosecutor Fu, I'll answer the phone..." Xiao Ning said apologetically.

If it's someone else's call, forget it. It doesn't matter if she doesn't answer it.

This is the phone number of that girl Qiu Xinxin!

I don’t know what happened to that girl to be so anxious.

Fu Qingyun nodded gentlemanly: "Okay, you answer the phone first."

As soon as Xiao Ning pressed the answer button, a cry came from the other end of the phone: "Ning Ning, I messed up your case..."

Xiao Ning comforted her: "Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. What case is it? I just finished Zheng Shaogang's case. What did you mean by messing it up?"

Qiu Xinxin cried so hard that she was out of breath: "Ning Ning, it's not Zheng Shaogang, it's... wuwu... it's the annual award, my statement was messed up...! It's all my fault, I shouldn't have come on your behalf. I don't have the ability, and I'm still delusional. Oh my, I stole the chicken but lost the rice. I wasted the opportunity of your good case..."

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