Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2916 She is a bad woman!

Dear Chief No. 2! Remember in one second, wonderful free reading!

Men are so heartless!

However, Xiao Ning thought unkindly, why she felt so happy when Bai Yeyuan was ruthless to other women.

It's over, she has gone further and further down the road of being a bad woman and is irreparable!

When Bai Yeyuan saw Xiao Ning not speaking for a long time, he thought she was still unhappy.

He said, "Don't force yourself. If you don't want to go, we won't go. It doesn't matter. Let Yoruichi deliver a fruit basket when the time comes, that's all."

Send a fruit basket to your ex-girlfriend...

This simple style of painting...cough cough cough!

Xiao Ning shook her head: "Forget it, she met you after all, and your Bai family was sorry for her back then. As you said, let's go see her on behalf of the Bai family. This is not rude at all."

And, to be honest, she really wanted to see what Liu Rushi's mentality was when she asked Bai Yeyuan to go.

Bai Yeyuan: "Okay."

Xiao Ning thought for a while: "It's a bit strange to bring a fruit basket. I don't know if she can eat fruits because of her illness. It's better to bring a bouquet of flowers. Anyway, it's better if it's not roses... Well, carnations, it's a decent gift for a friend."

Bai Yeyuan responded casually: "Okay."

Xiao Ning thought carefully again: "Maybe it's too late to go in the morning. I didn't ask the maid to buy flowers tonight. The flower market is far away... The ones ordered online are not fresh... Well, why not go in the afternoon, because they are imported The flowers usually arrive at noon... Well, uncle, what are you doing..."

Bai Yeyuan breathed deeply: "Huh? What are you doing..."


Xiao Ning wordlessly pushed his dishonestly moving hands and legs: "It's late, go to bed! I have to visit patients tomorrow... um... don't move there... um... you, you just Didn’t you come here once?”

Bai Yeyuan: "But now I want you again."

Xiao Ning: "..."

She seemed to have been talking about very serious topics just now, and she didn't have any way of leading him astray, right?

However, Bai Yeyuan didn't give her a chance to think. He held her waist and suddenly, consistently!

"Ah——!" Xiao Ning softly exclaimed.

Afraid of alerting the servants downstairs, I quickly grabbed the corner of the quilt and bit it tightly.

The man chuckled in success and started to move vigorously...

This time, maybe the two of them cleared up their misunderstandings, and their bodies became more in tune with each other, and they cooperated extremely harmoniously.

Although she had been doing this for a long time, Xiao Ning began to doubt her life.

But at the final moment, Bai Yeyuan and she both reached an unspeakable peak at the same time.


However, the consequence of indulgent enjoyment is that when I get up the next day, my whole body feels like it has been disassembled and reassembled, and I feel that none of my limbs and body are my own.

Xiao Ning looked depressingly at the man who was still alive and kicking after getting up, and once again felt deeply how unfair the world was to women!

She once used Bai Yeyuan's body for body swapping, and knew that men really have unlimited energy.

Take Bai Yeyuan as an example. Almost every morning when he wakes up, his little Yeyuan is vertical to the ceiling, saluting the sky. It’s so embarrassing!

It seems like I never know how tired I am.

In comparison, her body is much weaker!

At this moment, Bai Yeyuan could still go to work feeling refreshed, but she could only lie on the bed like a broken doll, woo hoo...

"Have a good rest and don't go out today." Bai Yeyuan kissed her deeply.

Xiao Ning remembered: "No, I have to visit patients this afternoon..."

Bai Yeyuan lowered his face: "It's not an important matter. Get some rest first."

Xiao Ning: "..."

In fact, she didn't think it was important. She was just thinking that Liu Rushi should have just woken up today and might be able to show some true feelings. If Liu Rushi returns to normal in a few days, she doesn't know what the trouble is. .

Ahem, is she on the path of a bad woman and never look back?

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