Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2917 Bai Yeyuan was a little too nervous today!

Day 2 was a little too stressful!

In order to see Liu Rushi's true and emotional side, Xiao Ning gritted her teeth and got up from bed at noon.

I drove to the flower center and bought a large bouquet of the freshest imported light golden carnations.

The shop owner praised her for her vision: "Light golden carnations are most suitable for visiting patients. The flower language means wishing you a speedy recovery and good health. There are also wishes for lasting friendship, which is the warmest."

Xiao Ning smiled: "Yeah."

She had no friendship with Liu Rushi, but she would be grateful if Liu Rushi could recover and stop "relapsing" and looking for comfort from her ex-boyfriend.

After finishing the bouquet, she called Bai Yeyuan.

Bai Yeyuan immediately put down what he was doing: "Wait for me in the flower shop. I'll be right back in five minutes."

He warned again and again: "Don't wander around in the street, and don't talk to strangers, do you understand?"

Xiao Ning nodded: "Oh."

Why treat her like a child?

Do you want to be so nervous?

As expected, Bai Yeyuan, the great CEO, is hard to follow once he says something.

She said it would take five minutes, and she arrived in four and a half!

Xiao Ning couldn't help but was speechless. Even if he took the elevator, it would take a minute. How could it be so fast? Did he come by plane?

Ye Yi parked the car panting and opened the door. Bai Yeyuan got out of the car and came to the flower shop to pick her up.

Under the bright winter sun, Xiao Ning was wearing a mint-colored cashmere coat and holding a light golden carnation in her hand. She was indescribably elegant, sexy, and sexy.

The fair little face is even more delicate than the flowers.

Bai Yeyuan's Adam's apple tightened. He walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and took her little hand, tightened her slender waist, carefully protected her belly, and led her to the back seat of the car.

"Tell me before you go out next time. Don't wait until you're done. Do you understand?" Bai Yeyuan scolded softly.

Xiao Ning bent down and got into the car.

He muttered: "Why are you so careful? This is a flower market, not a messy place."

Bai Yeyuan waved for Ye Yi to drive.

He turned around and said to her calmly: "It's always right to be careful. You are inconvenient now and your movements are not flexible. You don't look like a pregnant woman in appearance, and your belly is not big. In case you are hit or touched by someone. , you will suffer!"

Xiao Ning thought for a while and said the same thing: "Okay..."

However, she always felt that Bai Yeyuan was so cautious not because of her pregnancy.

She was also pregnant before, and he even sent bodyguards to follow her.

But never before has the protection been so exaggerated as today.

Not only did he come to pick her up in person, he also drove his modified bulletproof car.

And besides Yoruichi in the car, she could tell that there were at least seven or eight Yoruichi cars following behind.

In other words, Bai Yeyuan brought a lot of bodyguards out today.

This was unimaginable in the past.

When he went to Italy to find someone to fight with, he only took a few brothers with him on the plane.

Now in China, on his territory of Bai Yeyuan, why is he so cautious?

Xiao Ning didn't ask any questions.

However, he was already vaguely guessing in his mind whether Bai Yeyuan had offended some enemies because of his ruthless style in business, and the situation became tense?

She couldn't help but restrain her breath and snuggled closer to him.

No matter what, she believed in him and could handle everything.

I also believe and pray that he will watch the birth of the child safely.

The car drove smoothly towards the hospital.

Along the way, I don't know if Xiao Ning's prayer had any effect, but it went smoothly.

After getting off the car, some brothers from the night department had been waiting at the hospital in advance, sealing off the surrounding environment, opening the exclusive elevator for VIPs, and respectfully guiding Bai Yeyuan and Xiao Ning to take the exclusive elevator up.

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