Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2918 A woman’s terrifying voice!

2nd voice!

Xiao Ning originally held a large bouquet of carnations in her hand.

Seeing how heavy and difficult she was holding it, Bai Yeyuan scolded her angrily: "Why did you buy so many? Just take two or three and forget about it."

As he said that, he took the flower from her hand and held it for her.

Xiao Ning curled her lips: "Who only brings three flowers when visiting a patient? People who don't know better would think that you are going to burn three incense sticks to curse the person to die early."

Bai Yeyuan snorted coldly: "Why are you so particular?"

Xiao Ning rolled her big eyes, and suddenly looked at Bai Yeyuan in confusion: "Uncle, you are also a man who has been in love after all. You...haven't you given flowers to girls? Don't you know how to give flowers to girls? When giving flowers to children, do I need to look at the flower language expressed by the quantity and type of flowers?”

Bai Yeyuan's face stiffened and he shut up.

Of course, he has never given flowers to other women. Even if roses represent love, Ye Yi told him, so he said yesterday that he must not give roses to Liu Rushi. The rest is casual.

However, he would never admit it in front of Xiao Ning that he had never given flowers to girls - it was too shameful! He seems like a stupid boy rather than a mature man.

Xiao Ning glanced at him suspiciously, always feeling that there was something strange about him, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Just as I was thinking about it, the elevator dinged! It arrived.

Although the hospital Liu Rushi stayed in was not a high-end hospital, it was a hospital affiliated with the prison system and specially prepared for unsentenced prisoners in custody.

But I don't know what connection Liu Rushi got through. This floor is actually quite quiet, and it seems to be the best VIP ward among them.


When she walked to the door of the ward, Xiao Ning realized that the reason why this floor was so quiet was not because Liu Rushi had any abilities, but because her disease was too special and could not be treated on the same floor as other patients.

Before coming, Xiao Ning probably knew from Bai Yeyuan that Liu Rushi's illness was caused by the kidnapping case many years ago.

It is said that Liu Rushi was still a virgin at that time.

But she was... brutally raped by more than a dozen men.

There is a term in medicine called stress trauma, also called post-traumatic stress syndrome.

It means that after a person has experienced a very terrible thing, even if the physical scars and pain are healed, if she is put into the same or similar scene again, she will be quickly stimulated to have a psychological disorder reaction, and may appear The same symptoms as the original injury.

This symptom may even be physiological.

Even though no one hit her, there were whip marks on her body.

Even though no one wants to bully her, she might be so frightened that she might jump off the building or commit suicide.

In serious cases, you don’t even need to relive the scene of the original injury. You only need to hear the names of relevant people and places, or even see the objects in a certain scene at that time to get sick.

This disease is both a psychological disease and a physical disease.

However, most unprofessional hospitals simply and crudely classify it as "mental illness".

The ward where Liu Rushi was at the moment had a big sign on the door that read - "The First Clinic of the Psychiatric Department"!

Even though Xiao Ning was mentally prepared, she still didn't expect that Liu Rushi would be treated as a mentally ill person and receive treatment here.

Before she even got close to the door, she heard a series of shrill screams coming from the closed door of the ward:

"Go away——! Get out——! You guys get out——! Don't——! Don't come near me——! I'm going to jump off the building——! I want to die with you——!"

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